Taidakon Class Corvette

Small corvettes used by the Hyperion Federation.   Named after the particle that emits a Taidakic Field, the Taidakon is designed to fill almost any role that can be filled by a very small ship like this. It does not, though, have a large number of large turret mounts so it can be difficult to damage heavy ships with it. This is the role that the Ultimatum - Class Corvette fills.   Instead, though, it has a larger number of smaller turret points that can fit various support equipment such as ewar, CIWS weapons or smaller cannons. The ship could also be used as a fast missile ship.It was also one of the last designed delta ships and was placed in service less than a year before the suon-saelian war. It was during this war though that it initially proved its worth as such a fast ship that could serve far more roles than the ultimatum.
Owning Organization


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