Ultimatum - Class Corvette

Very small, highly powerful starships of the Hyperion Federation.   The Ultimatum class is designed with a number of much larger turret hardpoints than similarly sized HF starships. This allows it to serve a more specialised role than the Taidakon Class Corvette, specifically, anti heavy. The Taidakon is designed to be more multi purpose in nature. The Ultimatum is very light and fast and are able to deliver a powerful punch to slow targets, but is not likely to hit fast evasive targets. Furthermore, to achieve such high speed, the Ultimatum must sacrifice armour and shields to route enough power to the thrusters (HF armour requires energy). The Ultimatum was designed by Suon teams shortly after the Tebburus Unification War.   They have played an important role in the suon-saelian war, making it often more difficult for the Saelian to launch attacks (as heavy ships are required to give them force). Sometimes they were seen even destroying saelian starcraft carriers.Even in modern times, as the HF is a type III intergalactic civilization, they are still used against the HEX Mainframe, Cypher Dominion and other threats. They serve a reduced role against the HM because they deploy fewer large ships but they are still very viable. Like all other HF ships, it is primarily powered by an antimatter annihilation core with a ZPE backup.
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