The Longest Journey

The year was 43 086.
Once again, Karlos saw himself standing near the window of an immense starship, a Hyperion - Class Worldship Carrier, which was a staggering 14 km in length and designed to hold a population in the millions. However, this exotic piece of equipment would pale in comparison to the object below. He store down at the legendary megastructure - that he knew was Paragon - and was once more in amazement. The megastructure was home to an inconcievable number of people - individual cities could easily exceed some entire planetary populations. If the Hyperion Federation were to boast about one feat of their famously effective engineering - it was likely to be Paragon in all it's awesomeness.   Karlos' society saw him as a Pioneer - a title given to select few for their bravery and sheer skill - as both a soldier and a scientist. It was through people like these that the HF makes contact with new alien worlds, expanding the intergalactic front to ever larger proportions. He was the leader of a small team of Pioneers, his two colleagues being Parallax04, a Yunkad pioneer highly respected for his extremely efficient property, and Rh'odim, a Vanadian who, like many others of his species, could become quite confusing.   The biomechanical entity on legs approached Karlos, but over the years he would become used to the sound of Parallax04 approaching.
Parallax: "What is our next assignment? You called us here."
Karlos: "Actally, this time, i'm not entirely sure."
The two near-legendary figures stood side by side to look at the wonder of engineering below.
Karlos: "I only know that the HSA called me up. My orders were to gather you two and be on standby."
Karlos looks at Parallax, who looks back
Karlos: "For all I know, we could be sent to explore something on Paragon."
Parallax: "Whatever it is, we will make it work. It is our task as Pioneers - to go where none have gone before, and work off incomplete data."
Karlos: "Damn right we will. Rh'odim should be here shortly."
  Almost as if on que, the two turn around to find the very subject of their discussion approaching them.
Rh'odim: "Team's all here?"
Karlos: "Affirmative. Now we are just awaiting orders, and... as I was explaining to Para, I have no idea what our mission is. We should find out once I recieve my orders."
Rh'odim: "Understood sir."   The trio, too, would now once again stare at the wonder beneath them.
Rh'odim: "Paragon never fails to impress me..."
Karlos: "Damn right... While we are here, is there anything you want to do?"
Rh'odim: "Our next mission. Sir."
Karlos gave a chuckle. "Fair enough, me too." He reached out to pat Rh'odim on the shoulder. "But yeah. Anything you guys want?
"Rh'odim: "We should play Conqueror of Galaxies again at some point... this is a pretty good chance you know, Karlos?"
Karlos: "Oh - that sounds like fun. Parallax?"
Parallax: "Until we recieve our next mission?"
Karlos: "I don't know when our next mission will be. Could be years, could be hours. Probably not too long, seeing they wanted us on this station."   The group made their way to one of the Virtual Universe simulators on the station and decided to play virtual War - Engineer Games while they awaited their next mission. They all opened a new universe and joined it.   Karlos: "So.. I may have built some new things since last time.."
Parallax: "I imagine so.."
Karlos: "Okaay.. new game, map? Lets go with.. KD-396 again, that map is always fun"
Rh'odim: "Sure thing!"
They navigated a few more menus before starting the game, all 3 sides spawning in their respective units. Karlos brought a large airship - presumably one that floats on the Taidakic Field. His airship was armed with a single, very long weapon along with a number of much smaller secondary weapons.   Rh'odim brought a strange mech-looking vehicle. It was comprised of several floating parts, each of which could disengage from the main vehicle and possibly perform a number of roles. Rh'odim's secondary armament was not as significant as that of Karlos' vehicle.   Paralalx brought a large, stationary turret which was positioned on the large glacier section of the map, giving it a large angle of view to the sky.   Parallax would be the first to fire. He damaged Karlos' airship, which quickly returned fire using its primary weapon. Both sides were pelted with searing bolts that exploded into sparks of light on hit. The battles have alerted Rh'odim, who, knowing Parallax's strength and hyperintelligent nature, decided to strike Paralalx first. Parallax's turret was swarmed with 'drones' that were parts of his mech. The turret had few secondary weapons which were shortly overwhelmed but managed to inflict heavy damage to Rh'odim's mech. By this point, most of the armour of Karlos' airship has been torn to shreds, leaving the internal components of the airship exposed but despite this it remains flying. However, Parallax's turret could not survive the focused attack, and several plasma charges - the ammo of the weapon - explode within the turret itself, causing a bright blue explosion that tore through the battlefield like thunder, almost as if someone managed to condense a supernova inside it. This explosion knocked out even more of Rh'odim's mech drone things, so the 2 parties left were both extremely heavily crippled. Both sides exchanged fire once more, and Karlos hit Rh'odim's cockkpit segment, destroying his mech. However, Karlos could no longer remain afloat as Rh'odim damaged the remaining thrusters and Taidakic floatation machines. His airship crashed into the ground. By the end, all 3 were killed.
  The group then awoke from their simulations.
Karlos, sitting up from the simulator: "Damn... good game!"
Rh'odim: "That.. who even won that?"
Karlos: "No one im pretty sure!"
Parallax: "That was good. Should we explore the station though?"
Karlos: "Hmm, alright. Lets go. Rh'odim?"
Rh'odim: "Yeah, sure..!"   Soon after, the trio would get out of the simulators in their own unique ways. Parallax effectively jumped out due to his extreme strength. They would approach Karlos who would shortly lead them through a large door with a large label on it. If they could be bothered translating it they could, but simply went through.


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