
Pioneer Karlos

A Suon Pioneer. Karlos is a team leader of a small but skilled team of Pioneers who have been sent to multiple alien factions to study them. Karlos has blue shaded bioluminescence and skin. He has witnessed attrocities at the hands of the HEX Mainframe and as a result has trauma from those events. Karlos almost never talks about the trauma and simply lives with it. As such, Karlos has difficulty relaxing. Additionally, Karlos is a perfectionist and easily frustrated when things do not go as planned. He is howerver, extremely inteligent and loyal to his team and fellow hyperionites. While his skill leads him to victory more often than not, this also makes it near impossible to admit his wrongdoings. If he does lose, he tends to blame it on himself rather than seeing it as a mistake or a minor setback.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Karlos was born on the continent of Aspeuze, Tebburus. His parent was a scientist. Karzen's parent encouraged him to do many of the harder courses through school and Karzen passed many above average with much difficulty. Karzen eventually followed in his father's footsteps and became a scientist. But he always wanted more. He wanted to help defend Hyperion Federation worlds in addition to science as he has seen invasions on HF worlds by other factions. Although karlos survived a HEX Mainframe onslaught, he has seen many of his kind die from it.  Due to the trauma resulting form this event, he wanted to help hold it off. So Karlos started training himself to become a pioneer - and also getting himself a large prestige in the process.


Suons are biologically asexual. They see sexes in other species as little more than a curiosity. Karlos shres these views.
Year of Birth
40284 AU 3716 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born form a Tasteinian parent. Karlos is not considered Aspeuzan.
Aspeuze, Tebburus
Known Languages
Aspeuzian and Suon Common


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