The Void

Contrary to its name, the void is actually full of life. It is a separate universe that cannot be accessed by any means, with one exception. After a person is killed in the main universe, they become a ghost for several hours before being sent here in a new body. Other than this property, it is surprisingly similar to the laws of physics we are used to, being very similar to the main universe. Except dying here will render one's soul inactive for several Earth years until being rebuilt in a random location somewhere, often on a different planet. Souls entering the universe can remember technologies built in their previous life in the main universe, giving rise to starships and other advanced technologies. Wars are still fought between various factions. Because many different species inhabits it, and because the arrival destination for new souls entering the place is random, some factions have a significant quantity of species they would not normally have, these factions being significantly larger than their real world equivalents. However, new souls cannot be created in this universe. New babies of sentient species can be born, but they will never become sapient. A similar thing applies to Sentient Robots.   As this place takes in souls from all alternate timelines, timeline specific factions (such as the Accuilax Purifiers or Vidath) can be seen here.


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