Sentient Robot Species in THF Universe | World Anvil

Sentient Robot

A common sight in the population of the Hyperion Federation, Sentient Robots are treated just like any biological race, like people, and are accounted for in their definitions of ‘people’. Not too many are built though, HF doesnt want any chance of the robots turning against them and going rampant, but this hasnt happened before. They can be requested by families, either robot or organic families, and become an addition to said families, giving them a sense of love and belonging. They are often named by said families.   any powerful enough computers in the HF are capable of running their sapience. They can plug themselves in and send their soul into the new computer, shutting down the original body and making sure it stays connected. This allows them to take control of starships and many constructs personally. Because of this, organics can sometimes have their own souls put into starships due to the existence of the Phelke race. This can also lead to the formation of a Freelancer Starship, but most AI piloted starships remain as regular starships.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Built in replicators or matter manipulators

Dietary Needs and Habits

Must recharge every so often, but some models have ZPE

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

AI sounding names. optix, spark, electron, watcher, analyst, aurora.

Major Organizations


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