
Sentient species that is most well known for being able to survive in overwhelmingly extreme conditions, including the vacuum of space.   Despite this, however, the species was mostly assimilated by the HEX Mainframe as they reside in the Cobaeus galaxy. Some other factions, such as the Hyperion Federation and Sulethis Republic, effectively freed some from their cybernetic implants which controlled their every action, so many factions now too have a tralakar population, but that is quite small, probably only ranging in the several billions.   Although the body can adapt to almost all conditions, they actually cannot be conscious during these times. The body can freeze and resemble a corpse, during which times the metabolism rate can drop massively to almost 0.01% of its normal rate. This way, they effectively sleep through the times of bad conditions. They can remain conscious between about 0 - 40 C, survive for 100 years between -20 - 60 C, and survive for about 10 months between -50 - 100 C. A similar relation applies with air pressure as well, and most tralakar can survive for about 10 days in pure space vacuum with high radiation content. After the times of bad conditions are over, they awake again after the metabolism rate increases to normal levels.   They can also survive being dismembered, at which point they regrow any lost body parts. They can only do this to a point, though, so they are not entirely invincible. Segments that are too small might not be able to regrow into a full body, and notably they are still quite susceptible to acid.

Basic Information


Tralakar anatomy is slightly different from most races. Notably, they have 3 legs. Compared to a humanoid, the 3rd leg reaches backwards. Otherwise, they are close to a general humanoid body shape with 2 arms for manipulation, a head and so on.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tralakar have 2 genders, male and female, the latter of which can lay one large egg every reproductive cycle. Pregnancy lasts about 10 months. An egg typically hatches after about 2 months, giving birth to an already large 0.5-0.7 m individual who grows to full size after about 25 years.

Ecology and Habitats

They are known to be able to survive in almost any conditions. They prefer to live in more temperate conditions reminiscent of Earth equivalent to rainforests, but various extinction events in history has proven that tralakar do not require this. Many of such extinction events being caused by large asteroids.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tralakar are carbon based lifeforms that are omnivorous. During activity they require about 150 W of energy consumption.


Due to their ability to sleep over any natural weather event, they have rapidly colonised all corners of their world, but they are most active in the temperate rainforests. They have a natural sense of will to explore and discover new grounds. Some have even come to live underwater.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The tralakar sight range is different from most sentient species. They see primarily in the ultraviolet spectrum, but some colours of human blue can overlap with tralakar red. This can make it difficult to communicate colours between them and other races. They can also hear and touch like almsot any other race.
Average Height
1.6 m
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