Zeta Ounous III Civilization

Primitive civilization on the planet of Zeta Ounous III of the Tralakar race.   The civilization has witnessed space battles between the Hyperion Federation and Cypher Dominion (and, less frequently, the HEX Mainframe). They have interpreted these as battles in heaven between several gods. Some of these wreckages have crashed on their homeworld, which caused them to speed up technological development but also irreversibly damaged their culture and now there are massive religious cults that perform sacrifices on a daily basis. Some of these cults are large enough to rival entire nations in power.This has resulted in the creation of several gods (which dont really exist), perhaps the most well known being Zakkahan.   Zakkahan is a devil that aims to invade Zeta Ounous III, but the world is protected by the rest of the gods in heaven. This also caused them to believe the wreckages are magic objects which have had their magic removed after destruction in these battles. Some groups have also scrapped the wreckages only to use the exotic materials in their own applications, these materials being far stronger than the regular iron or steel metal they normally use, but they also lack understanding, so these materials are far weaker than when they are used properly by the civilizations that constructed the ships.   Now there are near constant wars between the various tralakar nations and cults, so the population is currently in decline. This causes their technological progress to also decline, albeit more slowly. If the population declines to critical levels, the HF is likely to get directly invovled and integrate them into hyperion society because to not do that would mean much worse survival chances.
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