T.S. Dawn of the Stars

A pioneering starship of the HSA / Hyperion Federation.   T.S. Dawn of the Stars was more focused on military support than science. Most of the Pioneers on board had a military configuration, and the starship itself heavily armed. A lot of this was used to provide orbital support to pioneers on ground. They would typically be teleported to the ground using Teleporters.   Specifically, it was armed with a large photon cannon, several kinds of cannons and a small but very accurate railgun. It also had a small fighter bay that allowed pioneers to call for air support. This starship was focused more on speed than on protection as well. It has a number of powerful photon thrusters, but would not take hits from other advanced starships. Its hardlight shield wasn't extremely strong and it is only thinly armoured with TGX Composite. The pioneers of T.S. Dawn of the Stars were sent on highly important but difficult missions during various wars because they were considered an elite force.   The majority of these missions would be successful despite powerful enemy resistance. Although they could not always win, surprisingly few were lost as casulties. The Dawn of the Stars features a large replicator bay as well, allowing it to construct various turrets, vehicles or other mechanical support weapons. These would be teleported to the surface as well. Still, despite this advanced equipment the ship would still join other ships with similar roles allowing them to deploy a number of pioneers at once. Some missions would be nearly impossible to clear without a group.
Owning Organization
4 km


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