
A species of buglike megafauna life native to Tebburus. They can reach about 32 m in length.   Ugunuog is a large creature that can bury into shallow ground and conceal most of its body. Although slow, it can attract its prey with pheromones and dazzling light shows (the latter often causes them to become curious). When the prey is nearby, it will strike rapidly and swallow it whole. It can swallow anything up to about 1 metre wide. It also has a strong carapace. This gives it protection from gelogical events such as small earthquakes, as well as smaller ground dwelling creatures like worms.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce like mammals, with a male and female gender. Due to the sheer mass of their bodies, it takes longer for ugunuog young to grow to full size. However, even at birth they are already several metres large and can eat smaller lifeforms. It typically takes about 20 years to grow to full size. At this point they gain fertility.

Biological Cycle

However, during winter they will fall dormant and hibernate. At the opening of summer, their hunting season, their metabolsim rate increases substantially only to slow down again nearing the end of summer and winter. They also breed during winter.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Due to their large brains, Ugunuogs are very smart. They have observed patterns in the behavior of their prey and often set up in these locations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have eyes at the very top of their head. This allows them to see anything that comes near while also keeping as low a profile as possible. This is to ensure the prey does not see the ugunuog and then retreat. Ugunuog can also touch feel. Their hearing is weak however, being tuned to the nearby environment. This is also positioned at the top of its head to keep a low profile.
Average Length
average 32 m
Geographic Distribution


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