Universal Leosus

Language spoken by many cultures of the Leosus Federation.   Universal Leosus was adopted after the formation of the leosus federation itself. It was intended to ease communication between most or all races and ethnicities of the Leosus Ring World, further unifying them. It would be learned by most people of the Leosus Federation, and eventually spread so widely that all the native languages would become almost entirely unused. This is due to the much needed ease of communication.   There were many who objected to this change for traditional reasons, so the original languages were kept on the archive. They can still be spoken, but are rarely used. The language was designed to be speakable by all races living on the ring world, including humans, Togroid, Aquris and so on. Each race has their own sets of vocal organs, so it can be difficult to find a common sound that all species could make. Due to this, there are comparatively few sounds and letters in the Universal Leosus alphabet. Faster and easier pronunciation is sometimes also performed with sign language to assist getting meaning across with fewer words.


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