
Race that heavily gentically altered themselves. The primary race of the Dark Star Pirates. Their ships and stations have a stronger gravity than those of other factions. Van'Dri spend most (if not all) their time in space, so have very strong bones to resist the higher gravitation. They are also shorter than most other sapient races.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

During their first 10 years they will grow fast. After this time, they will have already reached adult size. Also during this time, they are often sent to battle and boarding enemy ships so that they become very skilled at that from a young age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They have a fast metabolism. They require a lot of food, but process that efficiently so their bodies have acess to a lot of energy when needed.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Primary species of theĀ Dark Star Pirates


They once had their own star nation. This was one of the superpowers of its time and stood proudly above the rest. However, another faction that is now extinct had a huge war with the Van'Dri, resulting in the near extinction of the Van'Dri. As that invading race was highly xenophobic with the goal of destroying everyone, a large portaion of the galaxy joined forces to destroy them in their next war.
1050 years
Average Height
1.4 m
Related Technologies


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