Vlocypus Whale

Large whales native to the oceans of Tebburus. Their tounge is very long, able to grab prey from about 100 m away! It is very flexible and remains curled up in its mouth when not in use.   Vlocypus whales are considered megafauna life and can eat large creatures - including Suons - whole.

Basic Information


Vlocypus whales have a large, rounded and aquadynamic body allowing them to swim with little resistance. A large portion of the frontal area of the body (the head) is taken up by the large mouth. The creature also has several fins which mostly serve different roles. Some fins cause the whale to pitch, others yaw. Almost all propulsion is provided by its large tail, with very large fins to capture a large amount of water to push against. Like most Tebburus lifeforms, there are many areas on the body with bioluminescent properties, despite the bioluminescence serving no actual purpose to the creature itself.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vlocypus whales reproduce very similarly to mammals. A male and female will both grow calfs, which often feed on smaller species initially such as fish until they reach a suitable size. Their newborn start at about 4 m in length, taking about 25 years to grow to full size and reach maturity, gaining the ability to reproduce.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to the large eize of their body, they require a lot of food to survive. They eat primarily some smaller species of sharks, or very large fish. They will however eat almost anything large. Unlike suons, they have a stomach-like organ that breaks down food. It is then sent to the intestine which absorbs the nutrients. A fully grown suon provides them with enough energy to survive for about half a day when digested.

Biological Cycle

The whales often seek warmer waters, but avoid very hot waters such as near the equator. They are very commonly found near Cobloiso , an archipelago nation of Tebburus, as that has a perfect climate for the whales. Seasonal changes cause temperature changes in the oceans, so the whales often migrate to colder waters in hot seasons. Most of their food is found around Cobloiso levels of elevation, though, so hotter seasons are treated as mating seasons. Of course, when in normal water temperatures, they feed a lot, their bodies growing significantly to store the required fat for the mating season. Their metabolism rate slows during mating seasons.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can communicate to other whales with ultra powerful sound. As sound travels very easily through water, they can easily hear each other even beyond visual range. Their large ears can also capture a lot of sound waves, allowing them to hear otherwise quiet sounds. They can also see, as they have large eyes that are thick and well protected from water particles. They can easily see and are drawn towards light sources, as most of their prey are bioluminescent. This has made them somewhat easy to hunt for whaling ships using powerful lights. Of course, they can also touch feel.
Average Length
23.3 m


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