
The god of time, according to Maurayan religion. Yjrine is reponsible for the passage of time.   There is thought to be something at the core of Mauray. Many have seen the core, although most have not. Rumors from below suggest that this object at the core is, or perhaps contains, Yjrine.  These rumors are confirmed by drawings made and then delivered from deep underground. Because of these drawings, people on the surface know what the core artifact is and what it looks like.   Of course, Yjrine does not really exist. The people of Mauray think she does, but the Hyperion Federation has experimental evidence disproving the god. Still, they will not tell the natives about this, or make contact with them at all.

Variations & Mutation

Yjrine, as any other myth, has been modified across different cultures. According to some, she is the core artifact itself. Some say that the artifact contains her. Others still suggest the core artifact has nothing to do with Yjrine at all. According to some, the artifact contains every god, rather than just Yjrine. Some cultures say Yjrine takes different genders, or is genderless entirely.


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