
The god of death according to Maurayan mythology. Eons ago, Zernagek had a battle with Landraz, the god of life. While neither god won because the battle was cut short by Trdrae. The result was that life still exists, but all life eventually dies. When one dies, their soul will be brought to Zernagek. He manages the afterlife of everyone in the world. As they were created by Landraz, that god is seen sometimes during one's afterlife.   Now, from the Hyperion Federation point of view, Zernagek does not really exist. The HF has a significantly higher technological base than the Maurayans.

Variations & Mutation

Some cultures say the afterlife is handled by various other gods. Some say Landraz won the fight (as life still exists), and others Zernagek won (as they see all life die eventually). Some say Zernagek takes updiferent genders and some might even say the god is genderless. Others say the god is present somewhere on the world, but no one knows where.


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