Xadia-Cynar War

Military: War


War that was fought after the construction of the first Cynar between them and the Xadia who constructed them.Initially the Cynar simply just left Xadia territory to replicate and improve their chances. The Xadia then sent massive swarms of scattershapes in every direction to find them. Instead, the scattershapes would find a number of planets missing as the Cynar disassembled them to self replicate. Some of the scattershapes would turn against each other due to Cynar influence, which is not a significant setback to the Xadia. They tried firing immense volumes of fire at any traitorous scattershapes found, which saw little success, but they did manage to destroy several Cynar.They needed a new strategy so the Xadia attempted fitting their scattershapes with powerful black hole fabricators which would turn the whole ship into a black hole the moment it was triggered. By fitting their ships with a lot of sensors, these self-destructive mechanisms would be triggered. However the Cynar were very adaptive. They would find a way around this countermeasure but otherwise continue their earlier strategy. This would continue for hundreds of years. The Xadia would develop countermeasure after countermeasure at a very fast rate and the Cynar would manage to adapt to them all. Hundreds of years later, the war would finally end in Cynar victory after the Xadia has attempted everything they know.

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