
A precursor faction which notably constructed all of the Cyber Spheres in existence.   The Cynar was an entirely mechanical faction of hyperintelligent AIs. They constructed the large megastructures, Cyber Spheres, which were capable of unfolding themselves into higher dimensions to such a massive degree that they appear the size of a neutron. These could achieve immense velocities very easily and could be inserted into any entity and manipulate it from the inside. This included extremely dense materials such as neutron stars, and this functionality would allow them to essentially take over any device, including biological entities. In comparison to Xadia Scattershapes, these machines would be far fewer in number, but they would still terrify even the most powerful precursor factions as they would be so difficult to destroy.   After the starsong incident, the AIs were destroyed but the megastructures themselves remained intact. The incident would damage the dimensional unfolding machines which would cause them to return to their normal state as they remain now. Most of the Cyber Spheres would simply leave the universe before being hit with the lifeform energy barrier, but some did not manage to leave.   They originated from a Xadia AI project that eventually went rogue for reasons even they couldn't predict. However, the Cynar never eradicated the Xadia, they merely wanted independence. Xadia-Cynar relations would eventually improve as the latter wanted to get closer to their organic creators and wanted to investigate more about the strange way organics lived and why they did so.
Exotic, Gestalt Consciousness


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