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Currency in Thinia

One of the odd consistencies that exist amongst Thinian communities that use a currency is the use of the gold coin as the standard. Almost every culture that utilizes currency, rather than a barter system, use the single gold coin as the standard and the general weight and value of the gold coin is essentially uniform across the world. Moreover, almost every culture that utilizes a currency system has denominations of copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins. Some historians and anthropologists theorize that the reason for this is the long-lasting impact of the Hellenistic Empire and its complete rule of all of Thinia. However, the exact reason for this consistency across cultures is unknown.   Whatever the reason, platinum, gold, silver, and copper coins are worth more or less the same amount regardless of where they were minted. This is very convenient for merchants and adventurers as there is virtually no need for an exchange rate or to reject coinage from another land. The Capsan gold coin is the same as a gold coin minted in the Orc Kingdoms to the West and so on.   The one thing that differs amongst cultures and peoples is the terminology they have for their coins. The terms are usually based on the symbols used on a minted coin and these will often tell you something about the culture that minted the coin. Below are some examples of various names for coins in various cultures.  

Conversion Rates:

Because the weight and measures across Thinia are almost indistinguishable from one another, the conversion rate is likewise uniform across Thinia. The rates are as follows;
  • 1 copper =1 copper
  • 1 silver = 10 copper
  • 1 gold = 10 silver or 100 copper
  • 1 platinum = 10 gold, 100 silver, or 1000 copper

Fensalar Currency:


Hartha Currency:


Heartland Currency:


Capsan Empire:

  • All Capsan coins depict the face of Empress Saelphira Dawn on one side and another image on the other.
  • Platinum Coins are called Dawns. They are named this because one side depicts the rising sun in honor of Lathander.
  • Gold Coins are called Harvests. They are named this because one side depicts a bundle of wheat in honor of Chauntea and the farmers who feed the Empire.
  • Silver Coins are called shields. They are named this because one side depicts a standard legionary shield in honor of the soldiers that defend the Empire and its people.
  • Copper Coins are called carts. They are named this because one side depicts a merchant cart in honor of the merchants and entrepenuers who fuel the Empire's economy and prosperity.

Kulono Currency:


Lokkheimer Currency:


Marzana Currency:


Totecum Currency:


Utican Currency:



  • All coins in Kumuldor have a circular pattern on one side, this is often called shield side because its similarity to a round shield. The other side of the coin depicts a tool used in the crafts that are so important to Kumuldorian culture.
  • Platinum coins are called picks because they have crossed pick axes on one side.
  • Gold coins are called anvils because they have an anvil on one side.
  • Silver coins are called hammers because they have a signular hammer on one side.
  • Copper coins are called shovels because they have crossed shovels on one side.

Orc Domain:

  • All coins in the Orc Domain have a gauntleted fist on one side. This has long been the symbol of the Archons and a unified Orc Domain. Even in the absence of an Archon this practice persists.
  • Platinum coins are called laurels. Each has a laurel on one side. This calls back to the Hellenistic origins of the Orc Domain as laurels were a badge of honor worn by important figures.
  • Gold coins are called blades. Each has crossed swords on one side in honor of the soldiers who defend the Domain.
  • Silver coins are called eyes. Each have a singular eye on them. This is a recognition of Gruumsh as the creator of the orcs. Even though the worship of Gruumsh is mostly abandoned the Orcs value their history both good and bad.
  • Copper coins are called runes or luthics. Each has an Orcish rune for home on one side. This is in veneration of the Den Mother, Luthic, who is the divine mother to all Orcs.

The Unclaimed Lands:

  • The Unclaimed Lands use a mix of currency from Kumuldor, the Orc Domain, and New Hellena.


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