
The Proko are an older Visual Transponder Snail that has gained the ability to receive signals emanating from the Cameko while simultaneously projecting and disseminating the visual and audio content captured by the Cameko onto larger video displays. They are not limited to displaying a single feed and are often shown displaying signals from multiple Camekos simultaneously. They can project the Cemeko signals onto monitors either via a physical connection, such as wires connected to a display or by using their eyes to project the light onto a display, similar to a Projector Transponder Snail.   Proko are typically much larger than other Transponder Snail variants. Some are the height of an average human, while others are significantly larger.   Aside from being more expensive than audio Transponder Snails, Proko also consume more food. Thus, smaller villages may choose not to get even a communal Proko.   Proko are able to broadcast their frequencies between two relatively close locations.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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