American Providence Organization in Those Left Behind | World Anvil

American Providence

American Providence is a militia faction of freedom fighters that has existed for almost a decade before the outbreak, designated as a domestic terrorist group by the FBI in the years leading up to the original Knox Infection due to repeated attacks on federal buildings and government officials. While several key members of American Providence have been registered on the FBI's most wanted list, the societal collapse of government and media has given the faction free reign to once again openly operate around the country. A chapter having regrouped in Northern Kentucky offers contracts for protection and military grade firearms to settlements in need. While claiming to have the best interests of the country at heart, this faction has a streak of barbarity to them, and has no qualms about terrorizing settlements that refuse to submit to their protection or wish to live in solitutde.

Core values / missions: Re-establish trade routes and communication between settlements. Keeping settlements and individuals under faction protection safe. Prevent the resurgence of the old world government. Enforcing constitutional rights and preserving America.

Alliance, Generic


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