Ex-Seeker Character in Those Left Behind | World Anvil


TLDR   A Young guy, out of high school gets to live his dream as a military history buff and explorer, gets to leave the country on a World War 2 expedition. Coming back, he was introduced to the chaos of the first few days of the Knox Virus and the quarantine. While trying to escape, he got redirected to the Seekers, and they invite him with open arms since he seemed just like them. They teach him quite a bit for a young adult, and he shares his military architecture knowledge and helps build their base, which also allows him to know the weak spots, where he gets to play with a new interest, Demolition. He eventually comes in contact with a Scientist in need named Julie, who joined the Seekers after a rescue mission. After some time, one of his left out experiments explodes bringing to light his secret hobby, which ultimately gets him kicked out. Which works in the end, for his new group, the Enclave, take him in and encourages his hobby and he happily obliges in their tasks. His happiness was cut short due to one of his visits to Julie ends up in an emergency trip to the Network to try and find out why she hasn’t turned after she was bitten. Ultimately, in the end, that choice seems to lead Julie to Sacrifice herself for the greater good, to make a cure, that took over a year to make, and He was NOT having it, His employers had a Job, Destroy all of it and secure what was left of his best friend… Julia.   For those who want the whole story        A teenaged youngster, barely an adult, straight out of Highschool, rocking at home while living with his parents out in small town Kentucky. Not many plans for the future, just a local nerd who had a itch for history and architecture. He has always been a buff for anything that is war related, may it be: battles, campaigns, heroes, villains, literally everything, even the countries. Also, to add, anything that has to do with ancient civilization construction, though to a teenager, everything is ancient! But one thing that did go his way was he got his father to pull some strings to get him an entry level job at Historical Battlefront Conservation Group, that lets him participate in just about everything he dreamt about! He spends about a month or two finally getting into the swing of things and was offered to have allowed him to travel out of the country, getting to explore, gain some hands-on knowledge of all sorts of older styled tactics, buildings. And he finally took his first trip out of the country pm a small almost like a private plane or jet with his team.        On his way back into Kentucky, landing in Louisville, it seems, different Everyone was on edge, people crying, families running back and forth, it seems like his flight was going to be the last one for… quite some time. For soon the airport was being shut down due to a mass of violent, protesters? It was bizarre, these people were, shambling, growling, bloody. He took off running, He had to get out, he had to try to make it to his parents, make it home to ensure they are safe, but... that was almost an hour away by car, no, he had to try. And try as he might, he barely made it to the edge of town, before he was stopped by someone who looked like they were in the military stopped him and informed him that everything was under lock down and he couldn’t leave “this way” but the way he gestured, it looked like he was guiding him. Maybe there was another way he could get out that he was allowing us to go since he was posted on the main road.        Off into the woods, he ran into another group of people, they all had some sort of gear, some had what looked like medical or scientific equipment, some had what he had, maps, old dirty equipment, picks, axes, notebooks. They must be other people like him who worked in a field of study pertaining to discovery and research, maybe that was why that Military guy ushered him that way. And after greeting those people he was found to be correct. That guy was directing anyone who looked like someone who could help with the cause of contenui9ng research, and history conservation. They called themselves The Seekers, dedicated extremists, but there was safety in numbers, he had to play along, which was easy, he knew a lot from books and his recent travel.        This group fir the first year only focused on setting up for survival, which easily let me blend in, with old structure knowledge and recently getting back from a predeveloped site from World War two, he was able to sneak his way into being trusted with building similar structures and even some tid-bits of small hearty gardening tips. The only thing that he didn’t like was when he had to be taught how to use a weapon, but he was able to play it off by being somewhat a pacifist, however, the more he used them, the more he… enjoyed it.        After a few more years of growth, information absorption, and some on point bullshitting…. He was out on patrol, not his first time but one that he was on trial for leading. And out in the woods, they heard it, screaming of a woman, and the sounds of MANY dead. Despite his instincts telling him to self- conservate… He and his team ran out to assist. Maybe they had supplies? It was really quiet the horde probably in the numbers of 60-80 on a small hut. Posting up he and his team open fired, but were careful on their shot placement, they didn’t want to harm the lady who was trapped. The firing didn’t seem to go on that long it was over relatively quickly got the 5 of them, and He made sure to be the first one in and in the corner, a younger pale woman, in a white coat, Someone like them! That would help him out tremendously! She just seemed so shocked, out of it, on auto pilot. They escorted her to the car, gave her something warm to eat and drink, and he had a fellow lady inspect her for any bites, thankfully none.        This woman, Julia, seemed to be fully out of it until we brought her back to camp, and her face lit up like a bulb when she seen others just like her, and all the mini makeshift labs stationed around the area. The Seekers easily talked her into joining them with the promise of research and things to stay busy. So in between the patrols, watches, training and something else he picked up as a hobby, weapon handling and demolition research; he was able to get to know Julia, and they seemed to hit it off, as friends of course. but of course all things have some sort of hiccup… his secret hobby, got a little out of hand, and he maaay or may not have cause a slight explosion with homemade fertilizer, chemicals and some heat form the sun because he left it outside of the base like a responsible experimentalist, but the cat was out of the bag, all the ingredients were easily traced back to him, and due to safety precautions, he was kicked out with a few of his helpers. But before he left, he was able to talk to Julia and work out a schedule to keep a small form of communication with one another.        He and his friends eventually found their way in contact with a group called the Enclave, a group of military personnel that seemed quite interested in his in-depth knowledge of military tactics, old guns and even his hobby with explosives! He was brough on board to develop more stable bombing material and building a more stable compound. And he was now tasked with demolition of strategic building. Which wasn’t all bad, he was able to learn some interesting information being broadcasted out by the Network, about the mutation of a fungi that was doing a near identical reaction as the Knox virus. Which he had to pass on that information the next time he met with Julie.        Everything seemed to be going well, as best as it could, with the way that the world is in current days. It seemed average, until of course he makes it to their meeting spot out in the woods, of course he is a bit late, by a few days, and he sees… his friend in the corner covered in blood, and Bites. She was still, alive, but how? She says she has been there for six days, and the infections will in three. This might be a very important piece of information, they had to get to the Network, they would know best on what to do. The trip there wasn’t terrible, but helping an injured woman, while fighting off the dead…But they make it, and the conversation they had was very, interesting. But ultimately after a few hours of back and forth, they all agreed on a few things, Julie, was immune, and she had a hard choice to make… Keep living or give her life up. And with a heavy heart, she chooses to save lives. This of course was pushed by the Network, and He was VERY upset that her choice was pretty much forced, they will regret this.        It took over a year, over a year for all these suppressed feelings of hatred to resurface. The Network finally made that cure, everyone thought it was impossible, but they did it. And he knew what he had to do. Take what was left of his best friend and burn everything else. THEY HAD IT COMING. And his hobby that got him kicked out of the seekers was PERFECT for those bastards. Multiple bombs placed, using good old technology to set it all off, he watched from afar, as the whole wing went up in flames and down in rubble.


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