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The Way of the Elements

The Way of the Elements (known in Grûbi as "Shluuz Zlakr̊oag̊") is the name given to the elves' religion. It's not really an organized religion, and there is some debate about whether it's one religion or simply many different overlapping faiths lumped together by virtue of being practiced by a single species. While non-elven practitioners of the Way are welcomed, there is an implicit understanding that generally speaking, the Way is part of being an elf and cannot truly be separated from elfkind.

Divine Origins

It's functionally impossible to determine how or when this religion might have come about. As far as elves are concerned, it has always been around.

Cosmological Views

Everything comes from the Primordial Nothing (Bidwaw Zlo), which contains everything and nothing at once and is where everything will eventually return. From the Primordial Nothing arose the intangible elements of light and dark, whose meeting created the force of lightning. Eventually, the interaction of light and dark and lightning resulted in light crystalizing into ice, creating an extra step in the progression from light to darkness.

One day, instead of turning into darkness, ice turned into something more physical: water. Lightning could still act upon it, however, and in its attempts to reverse the process, it created earth from the water instead. And from the earth rose air, before it finally became water again. But with the creation of these tangible things, a new force arose: fire. Fire became the driving force that caused the other elements to change from one to the other.

From there the elements gained sentience, forming into the elementals. And, much like ice formed into tangible water, elementals gave rise to the more tangible elves. And as the elements mixed together, they gave rise to plants, animals, humans, and all other things.

Tenets of Faith

The Cycle of Nature (Uyuz Ningag)

The general ebb and flow of the elements and of various natural processes is considered one of the core pillars of the Way. Everything has both a beginning and an end, as well as a place in the world. Some might have a harder time finding their place in the world, while others have a very easy time. But regardless, there is a place for everyone and everything if you choose to look for it.  

Loyalty and the Power of Choice

Elves are remarkably loyal once they've "chosen" someone or something to be loyal to, and that is one of the core tenets of their faith. That loyalty is a choice and a privilege, which can be granted or revoked at any point by an individual. Many other cultures view elves as flighty and self-centered due to their willingness to drop people and organizations that they no longer feel loyal to. But at the same time, they are often viewed as much more loyal than most.  

Seeking Enlightenment Through Knowledge and Understanding

Elves are naturally curious beings, and as such they often view the process of learning about the world and its people as the highest (dare I say even holiest) of pursuits. Knowledge is important to elves, as is understanding those who are different from oneself. Sharing that knowledge and understanding with others is also one of the greatest things someone can do.


Sharing knowledge is considered a virtuous act, even if the information might not be something someone wishes to hear. Dishonesty or obfuscation of the truth is frowned upon. That's not to say that elves can't or won't lie, just that it's not looked upon very highly in most cases.


Worship practices can vary wildly. Generally speaking, they will tend to have ties to the practicing elf's elemental affinities, so a fire elf's rituals will involve fire while a light elf's will involve light. However, one thing they all have in common is a tendency to decorate themselves with special ritual markings particular to their regional practices. As well as passing along the traditions and teachings through stories and meditation. Meditation is about as close to prayer as the elves tend to get, though some sects might incorporate actual prayers and other worshiping practices from other faiths.


There are multiple variations among different elves and between different regions. Often they're influenced by neighboring religions as well as the elemental affinity of the elves in question.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Shluuz Zlakr̊oag̊
Related Species


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