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Physical manifestations of the basic elements. Their sapience is hotly debated among humans, though elves typically take their sapience as a certainty.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Whether elementals are capable of reproducing in any way recognizable to mortals is unclear. There are legends of human-elemental crossbreeds, but most suspect that the "elementals" in question were actually just elves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elementals don't seem to have distinct life stages, simply growing larger and larger over time as they feed off of magic and their associated element.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An elemental's sensory abilities differ from type to type. Some appear incapable of sight, others seem to only "see" through their element. Some appear incapable of hearing, others only perceive vibrations through their element.
Genetic Descendants
Theoretically infinite


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