
Ambergris is a waxy, smelly material found in the stomachs and intestines of Giant Kraken, Leviathan and toothed Whales. Scholars believe it is an excretion used by the animals to help expel sharp, undigestible parts of these animal's food (i.e. teeth, bones, beaks, etc.).   Ambergris is widely considered to be one of the most valuable commodities known. Commonly valued at 20 times that of an equivalent weight in gold, ambergris is often the most sought after substance on, in or under the seas. It is a frequently required substance in many magical and medicinal potions, salves and essenses for reasons not entirely understood.


Material Characteristics

Waxy, smelly substance that is malleable when fresh or warmed.

Physical & Chemical Properties

A vital and required component in many magical and medicinal potions, salves and ointments.  Also an ingredient in many cosmetics and perfumes

Origin & Source

Found only in the digestive tracts of Giant Kraken, Leviathan, and many types of toothed whales (orcas, narwhal, sperm whales, etc.).  Thought to be a secretion that aids in sharp, insoluble objects from the predator's intestines.


Trade & Market

The largest buyer of ambergris are the Elves of Naru, specifically the Accumulatorii of the Quinary.  Always willing to pay top prices for ambergris, and always in coin.
A three pound piece of ambergris removed from the stomach of a dead Leviathan, valued at at least 2,400 guilders at a market in Len Doa.
Extremely valuable, often priced at 20 times the value of gold
Very rare to find in nature, very dangerous to acquire from source
Unpleasant, much like vomit
Amber when fresh, gray when dried
Much lighter than water
Related Species