Giant Kraken

Kraken are gigantic sea predators that are the terror of every sailor and ship captain on the high seas. Weighing more than 100 tons when full grown and weilding dozens of strong, flexible tenticles that can wrap a ship or a sailor in a vice grip.   Known to drag ships down to the sea bed, and then return for days after to eat the drowned occupants, these creatures hunt ships relentlessly once they aquire a taste for Human flesh. Their lairs are strewn with the wrecks of their kills, and the older the kraken, the more wrecks they have. Some of the oldest kraken have potential treasures that rival even the greatest dragon hoards.   As dangerous and feared as these creatures are, there are still a few brave souls that venture out into the sea to hunt these beasts.  A harvested Kracken is worth a fortune, as all of the beast is valuable.  One of the most coveted parts of the creatures are found in its stomach, however:  ambergris.  Worth as much as 20 times its weight in gold, ambergris is the primary driver in the hunting and harvesting of Giant Kracken.

Basic Information


Gigantic multi-tentacled cephalopod capable of reaching lengths of 100' or more.

Biological Traits

Huge cephalopods with as many as 20 long and incredibly strong tentacles that can reach lends of 40'.  They have huge boneless heads that have two large lidless black eyes and a 9' long pointed beak at their mouths.  They have a series of organs at the base of their heads that allow the beasts to excrete a black ink into the water that blinds and disorients its prey.

Ecology and Habitats

Found in almost any part of the high seas, but does seem to prefer deep, blue water to murky estuaries or sounds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores, able to consume a ton of flesh per day, if the opportunity presents.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Every part of a kraken is valuable and highly sought after. Skin, blood, beak, ink, eggs, milt and eyeballs are all worth far more than their weight in gold. By far the most valuable substance associated with the beasts is ambergris, a waxy, smelly substance found in the intestines of the animals that is so incredibly valuable as a medicinal and magical component that an ounce of ambergris can be worth more than a pound of gold.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in every ocean and sea known.

Average Intelligence

Unknown, but many believe they are very intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eyesight out of the water, but excellent under water.  Able to taste blood in the water from a thousand yards away.
A Giant Kracken
Scientific Name
Ketos Gigantis Marinus
100 + years
Average Weight
Large specimens can weigh in excess of 100 tons
Average Length
Average adult length is 110'
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