Ard Cruach

Ard Cruach (Colian for High Mountain) is a series of very tall, rugged mountains that are actually a spur of the Yellow Mountains of the The Junn Steppe. It is a spur of mountains that runs 200 miles east to west and is roughly 60 miles deep. The Ard Cruach range is known by other names, the most common being Giant's Mountains (Caldarian) and Gory Gigantiy (Junnharic). In Gnomish, the name is Vona Pagonia and means "mountains of frost" as the peaks of the three tallest mountains are perpetually covered in snow and ice.   Within this range are the three tallest mountains found in Colo, and the tallest is named Ard Cruach. It is this mountain that is the location of a Frost Giant kingdom ruled by Grondi Daal-Luut from a palace on the mountain's peak 20,000 feet above the coastal plains. The edge of the Ard Cruach range is a traditional marker for the edge of Colian territory, defining the northwestern edge of the region. Colian clans that live within sight of the mountains know of the Frost Giants that live at the top of the mountain, but no one living has had any contact with them.
A view of Ard Cruach from the south face.
Mountain Range
Included Organizations
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species