Yellow Mountains

The Yellow Mountains of the great The Junn Steppe are a massive range of rugged snow-capped mountains that run in twin spurs from east to west for more than 600 miles.  Covering nearly 100,000 square miles of area, this is one of the largest and most-dense mountain ranges known.  The northern slope of the Yellow Mountain range is the source of much of the Silverwine River watershed.  These mountains are also the traditional northern and western extent of the The Junn Steppe, at least in an acedemic sense.


An immense and rugged range of high mountains, with many peaks exceeding 20,000 feet.  Thick alpine forests on the north slope, dense arborial forests on the southern slopes and a large expanse of high prairie located between the two spurs.


Gorod Barana is located in the center of the prairie that exists between the spurs of the yellow Mountains.  This settlement is the closest thing to a full-time city that the Junn Harr have built, as there is a small community of Junn Harr that live here year round.  In the summer, the population can exceed 15,000 souls, but in the winter it dwindles to only 1,500.
A view of the Yellow Mountains at sunset.
Alternative Name(s)
Zhelty Gory (Junnharic)
Mountain Range
Location under
Inhabiting Species