
Also known as Arakan Terror Birds, these flightless avian predators are the apex predators of the Arak Coast.  They are typically found in three general sub-species of varying sizes, but all share the same basic anatomical features and hunting habits.   Usually found throughout the region of the Arak Mountains they are most commonly encountered further south than further north.  It is supposed that their nests (and particularly their eggs) are vulnerable to frost, and they seem to avoid areas where freezing temperatures are frequently found.  Thus, they are most numerous nearer the coast and at relatively lower elevations.

Basic Information


Large flightless birds standing as high as 10' on strong long legs. Huge three-toed talons propel the beasts at their prey at speeds in excess of 40 mph. They have a huge, axe-shaped beak designed for ripping flesh from bone. Females can reach weights of more than 2,000 lbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females lay two eggs per year.  Both males and females will guard the eggs, but neither actual sit on the eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once hatched, the young are fed by both parents for the first three months of their lives.  After four months, the young are fully feathered and capable of running at full gait.  They are then allowed to accompany the parents on hunts.  It is thought that the beasts are fully grown at the age of two years.

Ecology and Habitats

Warm, frost-free climates for nesting, nearly anywhere prey can be found for hunting.  Found in woods, plains, grasslands, swamps, hills and low mountains, arid deserts and coastal shores.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Apex carnivores, able to chase down and kill animals as large as Aurochs, but their preferred prey are horses.  Wild or domestic, warhorse or pony, the Carnifex hunter seems to relish the taste of horseflesh.  They can scent and follow the passage of horses through their territory with amazing accuracy.


Usually found as solitary hunters, but occassionally (when no nests are being guarded) mated pairs can be found hunting together.  Especially dangerous when hunting in pairs.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Considered a very tasty meat when harvested.  Eggs are especially prized as a great delicacy in The Southern Isles.

Average Intelligence

Capable ambush and chase predators that can use their bulk to knock over chased prey (horses) or tackling with their strong and deadly talons.  Their beaks are large and sharp as a sabre, able to cut a pony in half with a single bite.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent eyesight, able to detect movement at incredible distance.  Good sense of smell, able to smell blood or urine from hundreds of yards downwind.  Poor hearing.
Image of a large Carnifex hunting wild ponies on the Arak Coast.
Scientific Name
Carniornidae Avem Carnifexis
Average Height
Males 8' to 10', females can reach 13'.
Average Weight
Larges specimens can weigh more than 2,100 lbs.
Geographic Distribution