Arak Coast

The Arak Coast is the 1,200 mile stretch of The Eastern Sea between the Gulf of Arial and the northern-most extent of The Southern Isles.  It is a rough and rocky coastline with a wildly diverse ecology and geography.  Within the region are seven established city-states and more than a dozen smalled petty kingdoms dotted all along the shore, each primarily dependant on slavery and piracy as the main means of economic survival.


The Arak Coast is the vast stretch of coastline where the mighty Arak Mountains meet the great The Eastern Sea.  It is usually understood to extend from the southern shore of the Gulf of Arial at it's northern extent south to the northern-most of The Southern Isles, a distance of some 1,250 miles.  Much of this is rough, rugged coastline, with steep, stoney shorelines and rocky cliffs.  In some areas the mountains of the Araks themselves simply fall off into the crashing surf of the sea.  There are very few natural, protected harbors along this coast, but where there are they are deep water harbors, as the rocky bottom of the sea falls away into great depths very near to shore.  Only a few hundred yards from the surf, the ocean depth can be greater than 100 fathoms, making the water as deep as the mountains are tall in many places along the coast.

Localized Phenomena

Currents along this stretch of coast are notoriously dangerous.  With the changing of the tides, waters can go from dead still to a sub-surface spead of several knots in less than an hour.  Seasonal storms can lash the shores for days on end, with winds in excess of 150 mph and rainfalls that can exceed 3 inches an hour.


Hot, humid summers and warm, humid winters.  March and April are the "dry season" when most of the broad-leafed trees shed their foliage while August and Spetember are the wettest months (and the most likely to see the violent hurricane-like storms that often ravage this part of the coast).  Winter temperatures can geet as low as 45 degrees, while summer highs can reach 105 degrees.  Near constant off-shore ocean breezes can mitigate these extremes.

Fauna & Flora

Palm trees, breadnut trees, citrus trees, date palms, mahogany, cedar trees and many, many other exotic hardwoods can be found along this coast, with the varieties changing even more as one movees inland and into higher elevations.  On several of the higher mountain slopes one can find shrubs that produce a unique fruit, much like a cherry, that when pitted and dried can be roasted and used as an infusion that has distinct healing and visionary properties.  Riverlands are famous for tall, thick grasses that stand 6' tall or more.  On the southern-most extent of the coast are areas of dense rainforest jungle where (literally) hundreds of utterly unique varieties of flowers, vines fruits and nuts can be found.  Many of these have substantial medicinal and magical properties.   Large predators roam the coastal regions, many of them posing a significant threat to humanoids of all types.  Of special note are a species of flightless carnivorous birds standing 10' tall and weighing 300 lbs.  Locally known as "terror birds" these creatures have huge, axe-shaped beaks that they can use to bite prey nearly in half.  They are capable of reaching speeds of 40 mph and can run down horses.  Another famous predator of the Arak Coast is the deadly Arakan tigers, huge striped feline monsters weighing as much as 800 lbs and capable of taking down prey twice their size.  Famous for the well-documented fact that once a "taste" for human flesh has been aquired by the tigers, they will exclusively hunt Humans until no further prey is to be found.  In the higher elevations of the coastal mountains can be found many prides of Griffons and Hippogriffs, as well.  Wyverns and Ebony Drakes are also found in significant numbers.   With the great variety in water depth available to sea life so close to shore, the Arak Coast is a prime location to find Leviathan within eyesight of the land.  Many regions of the Arak Coast has water of amazing clarity, and sightings of the terrible beasts have been made even while the creatures are more than a dozen fathoms deep.  Giant Kraken and giant sharks are also readily found in the waters very near the shore.

Natural Resources

The Arak Coast is a veritable cornicopia of bountiful sea life.  Fish, eels, snails, mussels, oysters and clams abound near shore and full and heavy nets can be counted on with just short trips offshore by savy fishermen.  Hills along the coast are covered in fruit trees, nut trees, edible grasses, rare and costly spices and herbs, magical and medicinal plants.  While little mineral or metal resource exploitation exists currently, no one doubts the wealth that lies just under the surface of the coastal mountains rivals anything to be found anywhere else in the known world.


Little detail of the history of the regions is documented with any certainty.  Several cities along the coast are very ancient, and many ancient and abandoned settlements are rumored to exist further into the interior of the region, but written records are rare and very incomplete.  What is known is that an ancient race of significant technological skill once existed here, as evidenced by the extant ruins and half-buried remains of many impressively large stone structures.  Some non-local historians have speculated that much of the interior ruins are Dwarven in nature, but are older than any known Dwarven culture.   What is known for certain is that the existing cultures that can be found along the Arak Coast are nearly constantly involved in regional wars and battles that keep any one society from becoming dominant.  There are currently seven "kingdoms" along the Coast, all small and economically dependant on raiding neighboring territories for slaves and booty, and none culturally older than a single century.  As one city's territory is conquered and over-run by a neighbor, that conqueror is attacked by a different neighbor with the same intention.
View of the coastline near the mouth of the Karn River.  
Ships at anchor near the city of Menalos.
Alternative Name(s)
Cote Barbar (Arian), Barbarian Shore (Caldarian), Pradach Costa (Fangorian), Piratiki Ackee (Gnomish)
Coast / Shore
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species