Company of Rangers

Rangers in Cobal are a highly mobile lightly armored infantry soldier trained to move fast, in stealth, and attack silently, swiftly and with deadly force. These units can move through almost any local terrain with a degree of camouflage that makes them nearly invisible to enemy eyes. They are particularly good at flanking maneuvers that bring their longbows into range of rear areas or troop commands. Ranger Companies are raised at the County-level and will be combined with other units to form larger regiments, or be attached to other units as support.



Each Ranger Company is (roughly) 130 Rangers and Officers.   Commanded by a Captain of Rangers, Supported by an adjutant Corporal and a Master Sergeant   Company is 3-5 Ranger Fists of 15-25 Rangers, Led by a Ranger Corporal and two Sergeants


Rangers are equipped with a standard set of armor and weapons: leather scale armor; mottled hooded long cloak; longbow; short sword; hunting knife; seven day’s rations
A Ranger in the field
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy