Military of Cobal

Because of Cobal’s exposure to external threats of invasion and attack from the west and the north, and because it has suffered several costly attacks very recently, the military structure and organization in Cobal has had some rapid and sweeping changes. These changes, and the over-all structure are outlined here for clarity’s sake.   There are five basic unit types in the land forces of Cobal: Dragoons, Scouts, Rangers, Legions and the Yeoman Archers.   The Military of Cobal is a volunteer standing force meant to defend the people and interests of the Kingdom. Training and equipment are as uniform as they can be to provide a degree of flexibility and integration within the forces that otherwise wouldn't exist.   Units like the Dragoons and Legions are a volunteer force of Humans and Dwarves (respectively) that sign on for at least 5 year commitments. Scouts and Rangers are a mix of Humans and Halflings that muster for at least 6 years. Yeoman are a militia unit made up of former Rangers, Dragoons and Scouts as well as the non-veteran populace that train together as units once a month. Service is not compulsory, but because of the danger the Kingdom faces from invasion and attack, it is very nearly universal in its adoption.   Armor and kit are as standardized as possible to facilitate ease of training, movement and coordination of units from Ward to Ward. Production of leather armor, for example, is carefully monitored to ensure that it meets required expectations regardless of where it is produced. Failure to meet standards results in a loss of contract and fines that are imposed by the Lord High Regent.   As with armor and kit, weapons are as uniform and standardized as possible. Weapons are also stockpiled in strategic locations to ensure that forces moving through a region or territory at speed can resupply and/or equip as needed.


The Military of Cobal is comprised of units raised at a local level. Typically, shire or county -level musters Legions, Scouts and Rangers and City-level musters for Dragoons. Yeoman Companies are mustered at a purely local level whenever the Warden of a particular regions determines it is needed.   Supreme command of the Military of Cobal lies with the Lord High Regent. The Regent maintains a War Council that advises him daily on the status of units and situations every day of the year. Local Wardens have primary command of units within their respective wards, however, and are ultimately responsible for the muster, training and upkeep of their ward's defense.
Military, Army
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization