Dragon Oil

Dragon Oil is a secretion produced by glands on a Dragon's hide. The glands produce, collect and excrete the oily, sticky substance as the dragon needs. Dragon Oil produces a subtle scent that can have many effects on other dragons and on other species altogether.   Oils from some dragons produce an instant fear response in any sentient non-dragon that smells it, while oils from others can produce a wild, insatiable lust for gold, food, domination, or even carnal pleasure. Oils from Red Dragons will cause any other Red Dragon that catches the scent to pursue and consume/destroy the source of the odor at any cost. Oil from an Iron Dragon will render any steel treated with the oil impervious to rust or corrosion, but will increase the chances of any dragon detecting the owner/wielder of the steel because of the scent of the oil. Oils from a Black Dragon can, in combination with other ingredients, both prevent certain poisonous effect or cause them. Forest Dragon oil will repel any forest-dwelling animals (including predators) almost instantly, as the scent is the equivalent of death to them.   Depending on the source of the oil and the skill with which it was harvested and preserved, Dragon Oil can fetch incredible prices, with small dropper bottles of only a drachm (1/8 of an ounce) of oil selling for 100 guilders.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Dragon Oil is a vital component to hundreds of potions, spells, elixirs, balms, perfumes and salves.  It has many magical and medicinal properties, but it is the effects the oil has on other dragons that is perhaps its most fascinating feature.

Cultural Significance and Usage

One of the most sought-after parts of any dragon's carcass are these Dragon Oil glands.  Once harvested from the creature's body, the glands are pressed and the oil is filtered and bottled.  If properly sealed, the oil will retain its potency for centuries.


Dragon Oil only breaks down while still in the dragon's body.  Once harvested and filtered, it can be safely stored for decades, even centuries.
A bottle of Dragon Oil, containing only a few drops and worth 100 guilders
Varied, from noxious to overwhelmingly delightful
Bitter, in the extreme
Typically clear to amber, when expertly processed
Common State
Thick, sticky liquid that can, if properly stored, last for centuries.
Related Species