
Dragons are a family of intelligent creatures (collectively known as Draconidae by academics) with a variety of physical traits that all stem from an unknown common ancestor/progenitor. The term "Dragon" can describe four-legged winged beasts that grow to colossal size and breath fire, ice, poison, acid or noxious fumes. It can also descibe wingless beasts (often described as worms) or two-legged winged beasts (called wyverns).   The term itself has many synonyms, including drake, serpent, draconii, worm, wyvern, etc. and all seem to be used interchangibly. Dragons as a group can be divided into several distinct classes, however, many of which they adhere to themselves without exception.   Dragons have traditionally been defined by the following labels (even amongst themselves):   Metallic Dragons: Winged, four-legged, highly intelligent beasts with scales and hides that display or contain attributes of specific metals (i.e. gold, silver, copper, iron). The most intelligent and social species of dragon, widely considered the most dangerous, as well. Often referred to as "noble dragons".  Very rare.   Chromatic Dragons: Winged, four-legged, highly intelligent beasts with scales and hides that display distinct colors or patterns (i.e. black, red, blue, green, white). Very intelligent, but far less social and far more violent than Metallic Dragons. Rare.   Common Dragons: Winged, four-legged, intelligent beasts displaying a variety of colors, tones or features. Typically much smaller than their Metallic or Chromatic cousins, these dragons are still extremely capable and dangerous creatures, many capable of the same threats and attacks as their larger cousins. Breath attacks are less powerful than those employed by their larger winged cousins. Common.   Common Drakes: Wingless, four-legged, intelligent beasts with a wide and diverse range of habitats and appearances. Breath attack and speed tend to be more pronounced to account for their lack of wings. Very intelligent, very dangerous. Common.   Wyverns: Wyverns are winged dragons that are capable of walking on their folded wings and two hind legs, but lack forelegs. They are typically the smallest of the species of dragons, with the largest versions rarely exceeding 30'. Intelligent and very dangerous, as this species is the most social of all dragons, moving in family groups called "broods" that have numbered as many as 24 beasts. Average intelligence is comparable to a young-adult Human. Very common.

Basic Information


All dragons have a scaly hairless hide which is prone to toughen and grow thicker as the animal ages.  All have large, forward-facing eyes with slip pupils (like a cat) and typically enjoy exceptional eyesight.  Bones are hollow and light, but incredibly strong.  All dragons have massivly powerful masseter muscles that can crush bone or armor with ease.  Teeth are designed to rend flesh from bone and are ground down and honed by use.  Claws and talons vary in appearance but all are razor sharp and made of a material that allows many species of dragons to dig through solid rock with little effort.

Biological Traits

Collectively, dragons are famous for their varied ability to use their various bodily functions as weapons.  Many species are able to breathe out fire or fumes that can kill or incapacitate their prey.  Other expell liquids or poisons from their mouths in large amounts.  Some species are so covered in filth and gore as to make nearly any contact with them a serious infection hazard.  Two species are known to violently expell their feces, which are corrosively toxic to most forms of life.  All of this is in addition to their natural and innate ability to physically subdue nearly any prey or opponent with teeth, claws and tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

All dragons seem to reproduce sexually, and hatch their young from eggs.  Most species of metallic dragons raise their young, as do many of the chromatics... but not all.  Only wyverns live for extended periods as a family group, hunting and traveling together in "broods" of as many as 24 individuals.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon hatching, all dragons begin to grow.  Nearly all species will molt or shed their hardened skins to allow for continued growth, and this process continues for as long as the animal lives.  Thus, the older the beast, the larger the beast. This also seems to be their primary limitation of life span, as any species of dragon can only function successfully up to a certain size. As dragons grown, they lose the ability to move freely, hunt or protect themselves, mate, or even breathe. It is known that the older/larger they get, the more pain they experience.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Currently, all known species of Draconidae are understood to be carnivores.  Some species will consume non-meat food, but the primary means of continued growth and existence is through the consumption of large quantities of meat.

Biological Cycle

All dragons seem to share the biological fact that they continue to grow for as long as they are alive.  Even so, there is a functional limit as to how large a dragon can get and still remain mobile enough to feed and/or protect itself.  As dragons age into centuries and they find themselves unable to feed or protect themselves, they will sometimes employ or seize minions or slaves to do the work for them.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Nearly every portion of a dragon is valuable, if only because of the difficulty in obtaining the parts. The beast's magical nature makes many of its constituent parts required components in hundreds of spells, potions, elixirs, wards and charms. Of particular interest and value are dragon's blood, dragon's teeth, dragon's heart, dragon's hide/scales and dragon's oil (an excretion from a series of glands on the beast's legs, tail and snout). Any one of these items can bring several times their weight in gold to the right buyer.  Certain species are renowned for their meat, especially the meat from the tail, legs and head of the animal.

Average Intelligence

All dragons are intelligent, many gain intelligence as they age.  Some species are highly intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All known varieties of dragon have exceptional eyesight and a legendary sense of smell that is closely tied to their memory (moreso even than their sight).  None have particularly sharp hearing, however.  Many of the species of common worms (Forest, Ebony, and Sand) all have an accute sense of touch that allows them to feel minute vibrations through their claws and tails and alerts them to an approach from hundreds of yards away.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Both the metallic and the chromatic dragons share a common language known as Draconic.  This tongue is mainly a spoken language, but there is a portion of it that can only be communicated via visual cues or in an audible pitch far above humanoid hearing, so many subtleties and nuances can be missed.  Most dragons are fully capapble of speaking nearly all the humanoid tongues, however, so communication is never impossible.
Scientific Name
Limited only by size
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