Dwarven Legion of Cobal

Legions in Cobal are units of heavy infantry made up entirely of Dwarves. The Legions are the most numerous of the forces employed by Cobal in times of crisis and defense. They are raised from any Dwarven community that has the population and need. Typically, they are raised at a county-level in units of Company size, but some cities and wards have large enough populations that entire legions can be raised and maintained.



• Full Legion compliment is 1,000 Legionaries, divided into 10 Companies of 100 Legionaries led by Company Captain and two Corporals and two Sergeants.   Company is divided into 8-10 Troops of 10-12 Legionaries led by Corporal/Sergeant


Legions are equipped (in Cobal) with a standard set of armor and weapons: heavy plate armor; visored steel helmets; steel-clad boots; 3’ battle axes (double bit hand axe (single bit short sword; large dagger; large square shield; two day’s rations.


Logistical Support

Legions on Order of March are supplied with 30+ wagons that carry food and camp supplies   o 2,200 lbs of food per day for the Legionaries (2.2 lbs/Legionaries)   o 1,300 lbs of fodder per day for mules and horses (20 lbs/animal)   o 20,000 lbs of non-consumbale supplies (tents,mess,tools,fuel) total for Legion


Legions have units of Rangers and/or Dragoons attached to act as forward detachments or to provide screen and picket duties.
A Dwarven Legion Commander in armor
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy