
Hags are a mysterious creature of still unknown origins. All known sightings and encounters of hags have shown a physical appearance of an aged, crooked old humanoid female with universally ugly or horrific features. All known hags have also demonstrated a very powerful and often very deadly magical ability. They have all shown a livid hatred of all things good and beautiful and seem to gain no end of delight and satisfaction from harming or destroying all things wholesome and lovely.   All hags seem to prefer a solitary existence, and very few instances have been documented where more than one hag was in the same location. Stories exist of groups of hags gathering to combine their efforts in what the stories call covens, but the actual evidence for such gatherings is very limited. What is known for certain is that hags live alone, seem to be deathless (but their physical bodies can be destroyed) and that they are capapble of using very powerful Fey-like magic to accomplish their evil goals.   While hags do seem to live alone, they have been known to use other creatures as guardians or pets to ensure their solitude and safety. These protectors could be enchanted animals or creatures (Harpies, Wyverns, enchanted intelligent beings, etc.), summoned beings or created monsters (demons, undead, spirits or golems, for example) or even magical traps and hazards that endanger or ensnare the unwary.

Basic Information


Typically known to present the physical appearence of an ugly old woman (thus the name hag).  Always humanoid in shape and form, and their bodies have a material presence that can be destroyed, these physical forms only seem to be a vessel for an inhabiting spirit of unknown origin that does not seem to be able to be destroyed by any means discovered thus far.

Biological Traits

Ugly, ancient humanoid female bodies.  Twisted and repulsive in the extreme, with features exagerated and warped to horrific effect.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown.  Thought to abduct young human female children to twist and torture into a tormented form for their use as a living vessel over the course of decades, but this has never been fully documented or observed.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Hags are universally known to seek dark, hidden and dangerous places to make their lairs.  Damp caves, dangerous ruins, desolate marshes and dark forests are the most common places they have been found in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Many hags have been observed to consume the flesh of living intelligent beings.  They seem especially fond of the raw flesh of Human and Elven young, if the many stories told are true at all.  Several well documented hag encounters have shown they catch and keep human children alive for years in cages and pits to be consumed slowly over a long period of time.

Biological Cycle

Unless the physical body is damaged or destroyed, hags do not seem to age or in any way grow sick.  Even if the body is destroyed, the spirit of the hag will simply find or make a new one and bring all its memories, hatred and malice with it into the new host.  There are several recorded instances of hag encounters where the hag remembered meeting someone that had killed a hag in the past, easily recalling each and every detail of the past encounter and using it to further its attacks in the current encounter, even though the attacker had never seen that hag before.


All hags have shown an unending drive to kill, corrupt or consume anything that displays or contains inherent beauty or goodness.  All things from fresh flowers to innocent new-born babies are the targets of a hag's hatred, anger and violent attacks.  Even the good intentions of an individual will be targeted and attacked or hampered in any way possible by a hag that becomes aware of them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hags have been recorded to be found all over the world

Average Intelligence

Amazingly intelligent, seemingly with perfect recall of all events in their very, very long lives.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eyes, ears, nose and tongue all seem to function in the same manner as any other humanoid, but all hags seem to be able to sense a living creature's presence even if they can't see, hear or smell it.  Thoughts and emotions seem as tangible to a hag as any sound or smell would be to other intelligent beings.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Hags, especially very powerful hags, have an abillity to call, raise or create guardians that they use to protect their lairs and homes.  These guardians can be entranced or enchanted animals or monsters, constructs of local materials (wood, stone, clay, etc.) or even reanimated corpses of freshly slain victims.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Hags seem to delight in making themselves as ugly and horrific as possible.  They will spread filth and extrement on their clothes and hair, they will wrap themselves in rotting entrails, they will tie decaying parts of their victims to their necks, wrists and ankles.  Their lairs are decorated with dead and dying animals.  For a hag, the uglier they seem the better they are.

Common Etiquette Rules

Hags seem to universally delight in spreading chaos, pain and suffering at every opportunity.  They will never tell a truth unless it is more painful or hurtful than a lie.  Deceit is always preferrable to honesty, all the time.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hags are feared and loathed by all races of intelligent beings, and all known societies will work dillgently to destroy any hag they become aware of.  Hags will target all known races of beings with their hatred and malevolent actions and intentions without hesitation and without mercy.  Utter despair and suffering for all of creation are their only goals.
A painting of the Nyallswald Hag of Colo, known to have consumed 108 male children under the age of 6 over the course of 31 years  
The Selimar Crone of Cobal, one of the deadliest hags ever encountered  
The Witch of Oldwood in eastern Teboba, known to have collected the heads of 214 Human and Halfling women
Thought to be deathless
Average Physique
Typically very frail looking, but terrifyingly strong and blindingly fast.