
Mammoth are large elephantine mammals that range from the far frozen north as far south as the Caldar River valley.  Male mammoths average in height at 14' at the shoulders and in weight at 7 tons (14,000 lbs).  The females average about 85% of males in both size and weight.  Both sexes display huge tusks from their upper jaw structures that often exceed 14' in length and as much as 400 lbs in weight.   Mammoths are predominantly herd animals, with a dominant female ruling a group of 3 to 8 other females.  Males remained solitary throughout the year, meeting other males only to fight for the right to mate during the rut (called the must in Junnharic).  It is at this time of the year that males are the most aggressive and are as dangerous as any predator known.

Basic Information


Very large elephantine creatures with four thick legs, flat feet, large domed heads that support huge ivory tusks and long prehensile probiscis (trunk).  Their ears are very small in comparison the size of their skulls, due mainly to the extremely cold weather most specimens are found in.  Most are also equipped with thick coats of coarse wooly hair that provides an exceptional insulation barrier to wind, rain and freezing temperatures.

Biological Traits

Mammoths have the capacity to live an exceptionally long time.  The average lifespan is 60 years, but several known specimens have lived longer than 80 years.  Males seem to live slighly longer than females, but females dominate the societal structure of the species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mammoth reproduce sexually, with females coming into estrus once a year (around mid-September) and remaining pregnant for 22 months.  Calves are born in mid-summer and stay with the mother for about two years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mammoths are primarily grazers, eating all kinds of grasses, shrubs and heather, but have been known to browse when grasses are scarce.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Herds are dominated by the largest female, with males keeping a mostly solitary lifestyle until mating season begins.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Every part of a mammoth is useful.  Hide, tusks, bones, meat, sinews, gut, musk, hair, teeth and feet are all harvested and utillized when the animals are hunted successfully.  A moderately-sized male can feed 35 Humans for an entire year, and the tusks of that male can be worth as much as 200 guilders ($80,000).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All known examples live north of the Caldar River, with numbers increasing as one moves further north.

Average Intelligence

Remarkably intelligent with a measurably accurate memory for places, scents and regions.
A giant bull mammoth of the Silver Mountain region
A female mammoth of the Yellow Mountains of the Junn Steppe
Average Height
14' at the shoulders, with some reaching 16'
Average Weight
14,000 lbs with the heaviest bulls weighing 18,000 lbs