Naris All

Naris All is a large mountain lake located in the northwest region of the country.  It is primarily a melt-water lake, being fed by the seasonal snow and ice melt.  It is renowned for its color and clarity, and is considered holy and sacred to the Elves of the Elven Realm of Naru.


A large freshwater lake in the mountains of northwest Naru.  Fed by annual melts and mountain springs and emptying into streams and rivers that wind there way down to the Caldar River.

Localized Phenomena

A particular point of interest is that the lake never freezes over.  It is calculated to be at an elevation of higher than 7,500 feet above the surface of the sea, and is easily 5,000 feet higher than the Caldar plains immediately north of the mountains surrounding it.  Temperatures during the coldest days of winter routinely fall below freezing (often far below freezing) for weeks at a time, but the lake never has ice on its surface.   There are several Gnomish scholars of the Order of the Votaries of Knowledge that have written works exploring the possibility that the ritualistic bathing in the lake and ceremonial blessings with the waters taken from the lake somehow contribute to the exceptional longevity of an Elf's life.  This is not widely accepted, however, and there is no evidence to support the theory.


Extremely high alpine lake, with water always just above freezing even during the height of summer.  Shores are rock and cobbles, with very little sand and no clay.

Fauna & Flora

Surrounding the lake are small groves and forests of aspen, alder, spruce and cedar.  At the far eastern end of the lake is a grove of cedars that produce a unique gold-hued wood and grow to an amazing age.  Some of the oldest specimens appear to have been growing there since before the Elves discovered the lake more than 2,000 years earlier.   Giant elk, mountain goats, sheep, bears (of all kinds), and lions frequent the area, as well.
  The holy lake of Naris All in northern Naru
Owning Organization