Elven Realm of Naru

Naru is a country just to the west of Aria and south of Cobal. It is a mountainous land with large ranges stretching along the northern and eastern borders of the land. It is an ancient and established realm of Elves, bounded by the Caldar River on the north and the Arul River on the east, the great Southern Mountains to the south and an almost endless high desert running out to the west.   Naru is the traditional homeland for the Elven Race in this portion of the world. They have established numerous cities within its borders that date back several thousand years. The have connected these cities with a network of roads and canals that make travel between them fast, safe and easy. Roads paved with smooth stone, bridges of carved stone and wood, beautifully dressed canals with ornately decorated boats moving along them.   Their society is founded on a principle of contemplation and the acquisition of knowledge. They have compiled vast libraries of lore pertaining to all facets of life. They have constructed elaborate workshops to build and craft countless items of wonder, from clocks and calendars to instruments for tracking the paths of stars across the sky. They have mastered the arts of metallurgy, alchemy and magic to a point where almost any question can be answered, any puzzle solved, and any crisis averted.   The ruler of Naru is “King of Elves and All Naru,” Kel'a Bron. He has ruled Naru for more than 800 years. He is considered among Elves as the most powerful Elf in the entire world. Physically, intellectually and magically, he is without equal amongst Elves. He has appointed lords (“Archons”) as governors of each of the major cities or regions, and these Archons answer to no one but the King. Kel a’Bron is as close to a true autocrat that can be found in the world today. All national power and authority is in his hands, and decisions made by local leaders are made only at Kel a’Bron’s whim.


The current ruler of Naru is Kel'a Bron, and he has ruled for more than 800 years. Kel’a Bron is referred to as Autarch by his subjects, and has absolute authority, not only within Naru, but with Elves everywhere. Because of this fact, Kel’a Bron is officially titled “King of Elves and all of Naru” abroad, and his Elven title translates as “Autarch of all Elves and all of Vytu.”   The autarch is the final authority in the realm, and he has appointed archons to govern various cities and regions within Naru in his name. The archons answer only to him, and act as local governors, judges and military commanders whenever needed. There are nine archonate divisions in Naru, of varying size and population, but all led by an Archon that answers only to the Autarch. Each archon governs an archonate and each archonate is centered on a single great city. While the city is the political and cultural center of the archonate, it is not the only population center in that archonate. All the archonates have extensive stretches of land wherein one finds many towns and villages. Farms, ranches, pastures and forests are common and prosperous throughout the realm. If the town or community is significant enough, the archon might appoint a subarchon as a local administrator, but authority in Naru is very much top-down. Autarch, archon, some subarchons… and then everyone else.


The population of Naru is almost exclusively Elves. The capital city of Vytu (the Elvish word for Naru) has the largest populations of non-Elves, and those are entirely Human or Dwarves and very limited in numbers. The society is rigidly divided into castes, with the higher ranks of society completely controlling all aspects of daily life and the running of the country.  Nobles within the Realm are referred to as Exultant, and it is from these elite families that the Archons are exclusively chosen from.  These families have dominated Elven society for millenia and are fiersely protective of their power and authority.   Ruling elites aside, the vast majority of Elves within Naru are hard-working people tied in some way to the lands.  Farmers, craftsman, laborers, herders, and soldiers are just some of the roles most Elves fill in the daily routine of the Realm.


It is said amongst the historians of Naru that the first Elves entered the land from the far west nearly 3,000 years ago. They refer to this migration as coming from the “Land of the Setting Sun.” These historians say that the first Elves to arrive came looking for a hidden “holy” place, which today is thought to be catacombs of the Melorian mountains. Several scholars have come to believe that “something” was found there that affected the Elves looking for the place. It was at this time that the Elves began to persecute and enslave the Gnomes and Halflings, and Elves began a season of domination and conquest that lasted for more than 800 years. No evidence for what was found currently exists.   Once in Naru, the Elves built a civilization that has stood the test of time. Amazing cities, spanning dozens of square miles, dot the landscape to this day. Many are connected across rugged mountain ranges by beautiful, delicate-looking bridges and wide paved roads. Others are connected by decorated but perfectly functional canals wide enough to allow two-way traffic between intricately designed and easily operated locks that allow for the movement of ships and barges both uphill and down.   Advances in science were made that allowed the study of the heavens to proceed to a point where time could be kept to a fraction of a second, and eclipses and celestial events could be predicted to the minute. Alchemy advanced to a degree that allowed for the development of potions and elixirs that could cure any disease, heal any ailment or injury, and even change the nature of many substances into that of another entirely.   There was a dark side to this knowledge, however. Many Elves began to see all the people of the world in the same manner that they saw Halflings and Gnomes: simply play-things for the Elves, and with no actual value in and of themselves. Many became exceedingly cruel and twisted, always looking to find the next great advancement without ever thinking of the cost incurred.   This darkness became pervasive amongst many of the noble families and ruling classes, and fewer and fewer voices were raised in question of such a cruel and heartless drive. The Autarch Kel’a Thron (Kel’a Bron’s father) was the Elven King to put an end to the persecution of the “little people.” He declared all slaves free, and made the killing of any innocent Halfling or Gnome by an Elf immediately punishable by death. He also closed the borders of his realm to all Gnomes and Halflings that might try and come in (not that any were trying to get in), because he didn’t think everyone in his realm would follow his commands in this matter. This change of Elven policy towards slavery and killing began in the last few years of Kel’a Thron’s reign as autarch, and his son, Kel’a Bron has committed himself to finishing and completing his father’s plans.

Demography and Population

A population of just over 640,000 Elves and less than 5,000 Humans and Dwarves living in and around the City of Vytu.


Naru is a small nation of tall mountain ranges, deep river valleys and extensive old-growth forests. It is just more than 87,000 square miles or slightly larger than the State of Minnesota. It is bordered on the south by the Arial River, on the east by the Arul River, on the north by the Caldar River and to the west by the great Atak Mountains. Within these borders are several huge ranges of steep and rugged mountains surrounding a broken plain of hills and valleys where broad and expansive forests are interspersed by miles of farmland. There are many rivers, streams and brooks running down from the mountains and into this central plain.   In the northwest corner of the country there is a large mountain lake, called Naris All, that is sacred to the Elves. The waters of this lake are considered holy and new-born babies, newlywed couples, and young Elves that have come-of-age are all blessed with this water. There is also a mountain in the northeast corner of the country near the city of Melorian where a huge and ancient complex of catacombs and mausoleums where the honored dead of the Elves are either buried or memorialized.


Each of the nine Archonates of Naru maintain small but permanent and highly-trained military forces made up of swordsman (armus), archers (arcus), cavalry (equus) and wealthy noble Elves acting as leaders and officers (electus).  Most of these small military units are referred to as manipulus and consist of 120 Elves of varying disciplines under the command of one (or several) electus.  At any given time, the average Archonate military force can be estimated to be 3 to 4 manipulus strong.   In the event of a national crisis, the Autarch can call for a general muster of all available military-capable Elves into manipulus that collectively make up larger Elven armies (exercitus).  If such a muster were to occur and the Autarch were to call up his entire military forces all at once, he could field five exercitus of as much as ten manipulus each, or (in Common terms) five large armies of as many as 15,000 Elves each.

Technological Level

The Elven Realm boasts some of the most amazing and advanced technology anywhere in the known world, and many of the most skilled and capable minds of any race of intelligent beings.  Clocks and time pieces capable of incredibly accuracy, devices that allow the measure and calculation of astronomical events with percision, alchemical and magical potions and elixirs of unequalled quality, and magical abilities and knowledge beyond any other people in the world are just a few of the advanced abilities available to the Elves of Naru.   Where the Elven Realm is lacking is in the disparity of availability of these wonders and devices.  Only the most elite members of Elven society have any sort of access to this technology and the rest of society is no more able to use these wonders than the common folks of any other nation in the world.  The common Elf farming the land or moving goods along a road or canal would have only the most basic of tools and/or weapons at his or her side.  Their skills and knowledge of their duties, as well as their surroundings, would be extensive given the likelyhood that they have been doing the same task for centuries, but they would not have the advanced devices or technologies that are otherwise available to the elites of Elven society.

Foreign Relations

Maintains relations with Aria, Lesser Imesse, Cobal and Fangort.


Naru has some of the most incredible roads, canals and cities anywhere in the known world.  Wide paved roads, many lit with bright lamps for night travel, link the cities.  Broad, stone-lined canals link cities and waterways all across the land using ingenious locks to raise and lower the boats across hundreds of feet of elevation.  Busy and beautiful cities rise out of the mountains and plains with tall spires and high walls.  Farm lands are lush and productive with comfortable cottage-style homes and tall stone and timber barns.  In several regions of the great mountains of Naru there are vast areas dug into the earth and stone where thousands of Elves live and work underground.  In many cities and towns, Elves have found a nearly endless supply of a vapor from deep within the earth that they have piped to their homes and palaces where it is ignited and lights their nights.
  The Autarch's Palace, overlooking the City of Vytu.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Vytu, Kingdom of Elves
Leader Title
Head of Government
Aureus (1g) = 25 Dinarii (1s) = 10 Aes (1p)   An aureus is a gold coin of 1/3 oz of gold.  A dinari is a large (1oz) coin of 90% silver. An aes is 2/3oz copper coin.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members