
Neeta is the Druidic god of war, strife and conflict.  He is universally depicted as a large, heavily armored and armed male figure carrying a spear, a huge war mace, and an invicible sword.  His war helm grants him prophetic vision that allows him to see the outcome of battles.  He has been credited with the granting of visions forewarning innocents of future conflict or disaster to people he feels are capable of averting said events.   Neeta is also believed to be the progenitor of the race of Giants in all its varieties.  Giants and giant-kin are all decended from Neeta, according to the Druids.

Divine Domains

God of war and combat.


A magical spear that never misses, a magical mace that kills with a single blow but can restore life with a touch from the handle, a magical helm that grants visions of the future, and a sword that makes its wielder invincible in combat.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Typically symbolized by either an image of a spear, mace and sword or only the mace, portrayed as a round stone war mace with a long wooden handle.
Neeta, Druidic God of War, Strife and Conflict
Divine Classification