Regiment of Dragoons

Dragoons in Cobal are mounted infantry rather than dedicated cavalry units. They are first and foremost Foot rather than Horse, to use their terms. Horses are rarely armored, typically trained to move fast and in formation, and are primarily to get the rider to where he needs to be. These soldiers can, if the need arises, take on a more traditional cavalry role, however. They are all trained to use the lances in a charge to great effect, and their curved, single-edge heavy sabers are excellent for slashing from the saddle. These units are typically made up of Humans, and are raised at a city level.



A Regiment of Dragoons is made up of 1,000 mounted Dragoons and Officers.  A regiment can be made up of as many as 10 Companies of Dragoons.


Dragoons are equipped with a standard set of armor and weapons: conical nasal helmet; steel cuirass and greaves; ring mail coat and legs; brightly colored cloak (identifier), two 7’ steel tipped lances with brass base; medium round shield; short bow; long curved saber; long double-edged dagger; food and fodder for four days.


Most ride the famous Cobal Charger.


Regiment is commanded by a Knight Commander.  Each Company is commanded by a Knight Captain, who commands 8-10 Lance Corporals and Sergeants of each Company's Troops.


Logistical Support

• All regiments have an attached Supply Company of up to 120 specialists   o Farriers, trainers, tenders, healers, cooks, carpenters, scribes, etc   o Supply Company is commanded by a Quartermaster Captain and 10 Quartermasters   • All regiments keep “a horse and a half” for every trained and equipped Dragoon (1,500 horse)   • All regiments keep a minimum of 70 wagons in train, with mules and drivers   • All regiments keep 20 lbs of fodder per horse per day in train   o For 1,500 horse, that is 13 and a half tonne (268 hundredweight) or 7 wagons worth per day   o For one week of campaign, that is 50 wagons worth of fodder per regiment


• All regiments keep an attached Company of either Scouts or Rangers at all times
A Dragoon as courier, in a highland winter campaign.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy