Seeing Stones

Seeing Stones are a rare form of magical crystal that allow a user to see anything they want, no matter how distant, through the exercise of the will.     16 stones are confirmed to have existed, and there is some evidence of perhaps an additional seven others. Four are in the possession of the The Order of the Quinary, three are held by the Autarch of Naru, two are thought to be held by Drowkin in the Dro'eladrim and one is with the Order of the Votaries of Knowledge. All other known stones have been lost over time, possibly destroyed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The stones require an extraordinary effort of will to use.  Glimpses of items, people or places can sometimes be gained by anyone touching the stones, but to see something, someone or somewhere specific requires an exercise of will that is beyond most mortals.  Repeated use of the stones, even by the most carefully trained and strongest willed individuals can often lead to madness and death.


Allows the user to see anyone or anything they have to will to see.  Views given through the stones are in real time, meaning one can't see the past or the future through the stones.
  One of four Seeing Stones held and operated by the The Order of the Quinary, this one at the White Sanctum near Vytu.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Roughly 8 lbs
A sphere with a diameter of two hands
Base Price