
Dro'eladrim (Elvish for great dark valley) is a region of the Arak Mountains inhabited and ruled by Drowkin Elves.  The valley is located in the northwestern portion of the great Arak Mountain range about 200 miles south of the southern-most frontier of the Elven Realm of Naru.   The valley is a deep, steeply-sided rift between two spurs of the Arak Mountains.  Impassable mountains surround the valley on the Western, southern and eastern walls of the valley, with only a 5 mile wide opening to the north allowing access to the forests and plains of the Arial plateau.  The valley itself is 18 miles east-to-west at its widest point, and is more than 30 miles north-to-south.  Within the valley are many small rivers and streams that all feed into the Dro'eloth, a wide, swift river that flows north out of the valley and meets the Arial River more than 250 miles distant.  The Dro'eloth (Elvish for "dark river") is famous for its deep reddish-brown color caused by the many tannins leached out of the countless bogs and swamps of the Dro'eladrim highlands.   The valley floors, closest to the main river, are the best and most fertile soils in the valley.  As one progresses higher in elevation, the soil becomes much more rocky and less suitable for traditional farming practices but still provides many thousands of acres of pasture for herd animals of all types.


A long, steep-sided valley running south to north, with valley walls made up of high mountains and steep rocky slopes.  The opening of the valley spans less than six miles of relatively level ground.

Localized Phenomena

The Dro'eloth is the name of the main river flowing out of the valley, and it gets its name from the dark reddish-brown water that flows through it all year long.  The water's color is caused by the decayed plant matter from the many bogs and marshes of the valley that provide the abundant tannins that stain the water.  The water of the Dro'eloth has a slightly astrigent quality to it because of this and lacks many of the more familiar and expected varieties of fishes that might be found in fresher water.  Carp and catfish are the most common fish harvested from the river.
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Included Locations
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