Thallmar Island

Thallmar Island is the largest of the Thall Islands. It is oriented north-south with the shape of a spearhead, pointed south. It has a spine of tall, rugged mountains running along its eastern side, and the ground slopes away from these mountains to the western shores. A high, wide pass exists through these mountains at roughly midpoint on the island, and allows relatively easy, safe travel east-west coast to coast.   Thallmar translates to Caldarian as "Great Thall" or "Greater Thall" and seems to denote its size in the greater island chain. Anyone speaking Fangorian would recognie this immediately, and a native speaker of Colian would have said the "proper" prononciation should be "Mar Thall", as it would be in that tongue.   The population of the island is 740,000 people. The largest city on the island is Glennhome with 40,000 people. Most of the island's population is Human, but there are significant Halfling communities along the coast. There is a walled city of 15,000 Elves on the northeast corner of the island.


630 miles long (north to south) and 200 miles at its widest point east to west, Thallmar is nearly 89,000 square miles, or slightly large than the State of Minnesota.  Highest elevation is greater than 11,000 feet (Sleevemar, or Great Mountain in Thallian).


Warm, wet summers and mild, wet winters.  Snow only typically acculumates at the highest elevations during the winters.  Regular rains make for a lush, green climate.  Thick meadows of grass, long moors of heather and peat, forests of alder, yew, birch and spruce make the island a thousand shades of green, and have provided an obvious basis for the Caldarian name for the island, the Emerald Isle.
A view of the highlands of Thallmar.
Alternative Name(s)
Emerald Isle (Caldarian)
Location under