The College of the Votaries of Knowledge

The College of the Order of the Votaries of Knowledge is located within a ruined keep located just south of the City of Ben Doa in Lesser Imesse. The tower itself consists of a single square keep, roughly 60' high and 50' to a side. The remains of a curtain wall extend to the west of the keep and connect with another, smaller ruined tower that is now utilized solely as a kitchen. To the south of the kitchen is the only other remaining tower, also utterly ruined and with only three walls still standing. This tower is utilized as a stables and workshop.   The College is quite unimpressive looking from the outside, but once inside one finds a bright, clean and busy library. The main floor of the keep is the second floor, and it is the largest room in the keep. The floors above have chambers and cells for the Votaries' residences, and the room below is the primary scriptorium for the College. Below that is a long stairway and tunnel that leads to a huge vaulted chamber that contains the main library and storage shelves for the tens of thousands of documents, scrolls, books, codices and maps the College has collected over the last 100 years.

Purpose / Function

Originally built as a defensive structure, the tower has been repurposed as a dormitory, scriptorium and library for the Order over the last 90 years.


The main entrance to the tower is on the second floor, with access gained via a wide stairway made of heavy oak beams and finished planks.  The main doorway itself is fashioned from ornately carved dark oak planks banded in iron and brass and polished to a bright shine.

Sensory & Appearance

The interior rooms are whitewashed and lit with large oil lamps and sconces.  Simply but perfectly functional rugs cover the floors and bright tapestries hang from the walls.


Besides the Grand Master, there are 27 Gnomes living in the college.  Four are Masters, eleven are full brothers, and twelve are acolytes working and training to gain the permanent position within the Order.

Contents & Furnishings

The rooms are comfortably appointed but not overly decorated, lending a rather spartan appearance to the College.


Above ground there is little of real value.  Following the tunnels to the vaults and library, however, is where one finds the true wealth of the College.  Tens of thousands of priceless texts, containers, works of art, maps, magical items and rare or dangerous components are stored here behind carefully locked and protected doors.


The keep has been gutted and rebuilt with residences on the upper floors, and common room on the main floor and a large scriptorium on the first floor.  Below the lowest level are tunnels that lead to the main library and storage area of the College.


Outside, the building still retains its ruined appearance.  Broken and collapsed walls, fallen towers and no gatehouse show the century of neglect that the tower has endured.  Constructed of a light grey stone, the Order has kept the lichen, moss and vines off the walls and towers and they have cleared the areas around the worst of the collapsed sections.


No appreciable defenses remain, other than doors and window openings that can be secured when needed.


The tower was built 170 years earlier by the first Duke of Ben Doa to protect the southern approach to the city from the coast.  It was used only for about 35 years, at which point it was abandoned and used as a quarry by the nearby village.  It was given to the Order of the Votaries of Knowledge by the Duke of Ben Doa 91 years ago, and has become their primary library, repository and residence in Imesse in the decades since.
One of the scribes of the Order  
A view of the ruined tower now used as a stable and workshop from the College courtyard
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