The Teboba Octavo

The Teboba Octavo is a particularly rare written work from 119 years before today.  It was written by Artor Calgacus of Solir, Fangort.  It is a treatise on the origins and history of the ruins associated with Teboba and the surrounding areas.  It is a beautifully illuminated book bound in the classic octavo style (vellum folded to 8-leaf/16 page folios and bound together between embossed leather covers).  The extant copies are all 6" by 9" books of 160 pages and 32 engravings.   It is a much sought after work, and only 6 copies are known to exist.  Two of those are in the Royal Library in Vytu, Naru.  Two others are kept under lock and guard within the motherhouse of the College of the Votaries of Knowledge near Ben Doa, Imesse.  One copy is known to be in the possession of a wealthy merchant in Southridge, and is part of his prized and famous collection of rare books.  The last known copy is in the library of the Prince of Fangort at Solir, and is the original work penned by Artor himself.

Historical Details


Much of the work focuses on the rubbings taken of carved reliefs found in the region known today as Teboba.  In the work, and in cited works, the area is called "Lothia" after the small kingdom centered around the Lothia River that dominated much of the wilds of Teboba prior to the Ohn Conquest of what is now Imesse.
A sketch of the rubbing of the griffon image
A sketch of the rubbing of the centaur image
Study, Historical
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
114 AF