
Teboba is a region in southern Imesse made up of rugged highlands, low mountains and thick ancient forests. It covers roughly 13,400 square miles and takes up a huge portion of the area of Lesser Imesse.  It is currently under the direct rule of the Lord Steward of the Realm as the chief administrator for the King of Lesser Imesse, Mak II.   The King and the Lord Steward have both agreed a concerted effort needs to be made to pacify and settle the region so that its vast and untouched resources can be put to use for the good of the Realm.  To this end, the Lord Steward has established bounties and rewards for expeditions that result in a greater accessibility of the rugged interior of the region to outside settlement and exploitation.  These bounties are extensive and quite lucrative for successful ventures, and the prospects of both monetary rewards and the granting of lands and property are attracting many, many adventurers to the region.


Rough, rugged highlands made up of steep rocky peaks and cliffs and deep valleys, all covered in ancient forests.  No modern towns, cities, villages, farms or roads can be found within this huge expanse of hills and trees.  What can be found, however, are the many ruins of a great ancient civilization.  Walls, floors, archways, broken towers and stairs that lead to nowhere literally litter the region, covered in the detritus of many thousands of years of neglect.

Localized Phenomena

For reasons not understood, there are an uncommon number of dangerous magical beasts in this region.  Griffons, manticore, chimeras, harpies, centaurs, gnolls and even reports of sphynx and giants have been noted.  These creatures appear with no warning or reason, seemingly at random, every generation or so.  Regional rumors attribute the appearances to the activities of hags or warlocks that are known to hide in the depths of the highlands and forests, but the appearance of the hybrid beasts do not seem to correlate with known hag or warlock haunts.   There are also numerous accounts through the ages of outbreaks of undead activity.  Skeletons, ghouls, vampiric beasts and animated corpses have all been reported over the last 200 years, and also seem to cycle on a generational time scale.


Teboba is a temperate climate, with warm summers and cold winters.  Seasonal rainfalls create floods in the narrow valleys, and the rocky nature of the regions creates several swamps and bogs in low-lying areas.

Fauna & Flora

Teboba is a densely wooded area of rocky hills and low mountains, broken by steep valleys with swift streams and rivers cutting through them. The woods are untamed and ancient, made up of oaks, elms, hickory, spruce and pine.   Within these forests are countless mundane forest species, including bear, boar, elk, beaver, wolves, martins, minks, and lions. Rarer species such as Megaloceros, Smilodon, dire wolf, Mastodon, griffon and wyvern can also be found. Wild sheep and goats abound in the rocky hills, while the valleys host bison and Auroch.

Natural Resources

There are no modern settlements within the region, but scholars believe the area to abound in mineral wealth.  The geography is remarkably similar to central highlands of Cobal, where vast ore and mineral wealth is driving a booming economy.   Forest abound with ancient hardwoods, towering spruce and pine, and miles of peat bogs lie within the endless valley bottoms.


Teboba is the site of many ancient and mysterious ruins, all old beyond memory.  Those that are best known (the ones closest to the edges of the region) are built of perfectly finished and finely fitted granite blocks.  Some of these sites have blocks weighing more than 40 tons each, and all are stacked and fitted in a manner that wouldn't allow a piece of parchment to pass between the stones.   Further into the interior, there are areas that a densely packed with tombs, barrows and graves that can only be described as a "necropolis" (city of the dead).  Truly ancient burials and structures are (literally) covered with more recent (but still very old) barrows and tombs, and these are in turn covered with even more recent burials.
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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