Tor Diamas

Tor Diamas is a town located in the Regio Soliris where a large diamond deposit is being mined by a community of Gnomes. The town is primarily made up of these miners and their families, with the only other inhabitants being armed guards meant to protect the workers and the diamonds.   The name Tor Diamas means "hill of diamonds" in Fangorian, and the deposit of raw diamonds that has been found here is truly incredible.  Raw stones the size of fists have been unearthed, and the annual revenues from the mines have exceeded 200,000 gold marques in the last several years.  The mining at Tor Diamas is a monopoly granted by Royal Charter from the Prince of Fangort, with a license cost of 40% of all revenues to the personal coffers of the Prince.  These Charters were granted to a community of Gnomes that discovered the deposits.


Mostly Gnomes, with about 400 armed and trained Humans as guards.
Large town
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization