Town of Two Rivers

The Town of Two Rives is the seat of the Shire of Two Rivers and a vital and valuable crossroads for trade and military traffic.  It has a large and wide bridge crossing a shallow but very steep-sided river along a busy and strategically important road.  It also protects a broad, shallow gravel ford that allows the crossing of another river should the bridge at the town be damaged or destroyed.   This is an vital feature in the town's strategic importance, primarily because the bridge is actually built to be destroyed in the event that it should fall into enemy hands.  Once fired, the wooden spans of the bridge will burn away, denying enemy troops access across the deep river vale.  Once the danger is passed, the spans can be replaced in less than one day with pre-positioned materials stored in sheds about a mile from the bridge site.  This feature of the bridge was designed by Sheriff Ward Freedman himself.
The Bridge and road at Two Rivers.
Owning Organization