Ward Freedman

His Honor, Lord Sheriff Ward Freedman

Ward Freedman is the Sheriff of the Shire of Two Rivers.  He is a 45-year-old Human that does not impress people as the chief official of the Shire.  He has a frail build, an unkempt main of lank, reddish hair, slouched shoulders and a slow gait.  He is quiet, soft-spoken and rather shy when first meeting people.   Where he shines, however, is in his mastery of logistical planning.  The man has an innate ability to see what is needed and to know what is needed to get things done.  In the five years Ward has been Sheriff, he has accomplished more that most men would in twice the time and thrice the money.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ward was always a small, weak child.  He listed with both the Dragoons and the Scouts, but wasn't able to maintain the rigorous training requirements.  He worked as a scribe and a clerk in both the City of Jemptal and in the Town of Pottston, and it was in Pottston that he caught the eye of the then Command Captain of Dragoons, Stanlin Turner.  Stanlin was struggling to get supplies to a troop of Dragoons on maneuvers, but was faced with an unbelievable cost associated with the transportation of the supplies in time.  Ward was a clerk in the same trading house, and suggested a plan that no one else seemed to have thought of.  Stanlin saw the value in the suggestion, and as a reward for the successful completion of the effort, took the young clerk to an expensive dinner.   Over the course of the long meal (and many mugs of ale), Stanlin became convinced that the clerk was not simply a clerk... he was a genius.  As a commander of Dragoons, he knew the absolute value of quality logistics planning and execution, and he saw that Ward was more than capable of both the planning and the execution.   Two years later, Stanlin was intruducing Ward to the Ward of Jemptal Jayden Fletcher.  The Warden also recognized the value in Ward's skills and abilities, and offered him the position of Sheriff of Two River after the sudden and tragic death of the former Sheriff.  Ward has shown his skills and abilities ever since, and the Shire has reaped the benefits.
Current Residence
Two Rivers
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations