
The Zoey are huge intelligent canids that are only known to exist in the Thall Islands of the Eastern Sea. They are the largest canid species known on Thrae, and the only one known to be intelligent and capable of speech.   Growing as tall as 6' at the shoulders, Zoey are massive wolf-like animals with jaws large enough to swallow other dogs whole. They have been known to weight as much as 1000 lbs and can run at speeds of 20 miles an hour for short bursts, and at slower speeds for hours on end.   The language of the Zoey is, to Human ears, no different than what one would expect to hear from wolves, or even domestic dogs.  Very little of their native tongue is understandable to Humans.  They have the capacity, however, to learn and mimic many of the sounds made by humaniods and thus can communicate with them in an understandable manner.  Typically, this communication is not always clear at first, but once one becomes used to hearing the sounds made by the Zoey's mouth and muzzle the meaning behind the sounds becomes much easier to understand.  Many have described the experience of speaking to a Zoey as learning a new accent, rather than learning a new language.  An "s" sound spoken by a Zoey tends to sound like "th" or "zh" to our ears, while hard "P" sounds are heard as "deh".

Basic Information


Zoey are the largest canid species known.  The largest males can reach a shoulder height of 6' and weigh more than 1000 lbs.  They have jaws that are as long as a human forearm and fangs that can exceed 3" in length.

Genetics and Reproduction

Similar to other canids, females can go into heat as many as 6 times a year, carry the litter for 10 months and can produce two to six pups with each pregnancy.

Growth Rate & Stages

Zoey pups can feed themselves at one year of age, and are introduced to the rest of the pack at that time.  Pups younger than one year remain in the mother's den.  Juvenile male zoey are allowed to live with the females of the pack until they are about three years old, then they are forced out to make their own way in the world.

Ecology and Habitats

Only known habitat is the Thall Islands

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores, known to hunt wild Entelodon, boar, sheep, cattle and horses, but stay away from domesticated animals whenever possible.


Zoey have a live-and-let-live attitude towards most Humans.  They are reserved and quite shy in their encounters with most Humans, but when a relationship is established, they are loyal and steadfast friends and allies.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sharp eyesight, keen hearing and a nearly supernatural sense of smell.
A particularly large male Zoey with a Thallian woman
Scientific Name
Canis Lupis Ingens
Geographic Distribution